going to Moon's house

Twitch clip created by Brycen_Baggins for channel ClintStevens while playing game Super Mario 64 on June 15, 2022, 6:04 pm. This clips is a popular clip for ClintStevens.

Clipped by Brycen_Baggins on June 15, 2022, 6:04 pm

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[2:08:21] RayCasted: liking the haircut
[2:08:22] JMGaming19: Clint finally moving out of parents house and its because of bad internet OMEGALUL
[2:08:24] BigStinkyLog: @ClintStevens are you staying in south carolina?
[2:08:25] LimebotStevens: I'm nervous Clant
[2:08:25] enollyd: why don't you buy the internet out there clint
[2:08:25] knuklezzz: I pray for your dad Clint
[2:08:26] Jack745: what about Juno?
[2:08:26] Grrrimes: will he PB? Pog
[2:08:27] AndrewHurry11: OTK Clint Aware
[2:08:27] xDrTrey: just get starlink 4Head
[2:08:28] jonasmk_: please move out clint, that would force you to srtream fullltime
[2:08:29] capski: @siepjeez, 5Head parents
[2:08:29] jambajuicedrink: I have my own house and fiber optic @clintstevens
[2:08:30] strupps13: Move in with Miz
[2:08:30] LittleScampi: TrollDespair OTK Clint...darkest timeline
[2:08:31] Rebatwa2: Rebatwa2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 62 months! Happy more than 5 years. Good luck on the runs
[2:08:31] plumpyface_: BatChest MOVE IN WITH STREAMER
[2:08:31] dyllllq: date a girl with fiber internet
[2:08:31] begagan: pepeFlushed
[2:08:32] autumnlatte: @clintstevens thoughts on living in Uganda?
[2:08:32] Thunder_Gun_Express: moon2M
[2:08:32] hemlogg: monkaS
[2:08:33] Juncos: moon2M
[2:08:33] ireinstal: PauseChamp
[2:08:33] EeelsBadMan: he would
[2:08:33] Kaiochi: he would adopt you
[2:08:33] Kafuin: moon2M
[2:08:33] TYWM_: OMEGALUL
[2:08:34] SevenStrangeMelons: MOON OMEGALUL
[2:08:34] enricofairme: Clint's parents moving to a one bedroom apartment so Clint takes the hint to move out KEKW
[2:08:34] slowbro17: yoooo clint's live again POGGERS
[2:08:35] nfanboii: MIZ BatChest
[2:08:35] JMGaming19: flushE
[2:08:35] Gravyrobber: moon2M
[2:08:35] FunkyHunterTV: why
[2:08:35] Luraso: moon2M
[2:08:36] babsmcnh: why?
[2:08:36] CityBill: peepoShy
[2:08:36] KSpang: why LULW
[2:08:36] walnutoil: moon2M
[2:08:36] SlazyGio: moon2GIGA
[2:08:36] DapperDolphin: fake wife
[2:08:37] lumiririri: OMEGALUL
[2:08:37] SatoChee: moon2M
[2:08:37] t_holton: DO IT
[2:08:37] That1GuyNRG: peepoShy
[2:08:37] adihm: HE SENILE LULW
[2:08:38] ODINSON36: pepeFlushed
[2:08:38] ChickenCo0p: DO IT
[2:08:38] acidrain123456: i hecking love otk BatChest
[2:08:38] Witzell: BatChest MOVE IN WITH STREAMER
[2:08:39] SaitoBenkei: moon2M
[2:08:39] Hotto_: monkaS
[2:08:39] sajuto_: MEET THE FAMILY Pog
[2:08:40] AceElijah: you can meet his 4 kids
[2:08:40] Matt_eM: emoneyPain OTK Clint ….
[2:08:40] TheZoulStormer: moon2M Come home son.
[2:08:40] hutfut: he will let you move in
[2:08:40] LimebotStevens: because I know like some Secret Clant
[2:08:41] UndPancake: moon2M ya sure
[2:08:41] 鍋嶋圭一: moon2PREGARIO
[2:08:41] PimentacoCS: moon2M do it
[2:08:41] ForkOfCommunism: HES 40
[2:08:41] fear865: moon2M
[2:08:41] hyperomegapogu: he's smelly
[2:08:41] I_Have_Zer0_Deaths_IRL: you could play with his son :)
[2:08:41] Juncos: moon2M come here Billy
[2:08:41] Kaiochi: monkaW
[2:08:42] gorbo4: he's unhinged!
[2:08:42] jaaawn: moon2M
[2:08:42] Kafuin: because he has a fake kid
[2:08:42] BROKENARROVV: stoner
[2:08:42] 鍋嶋圭一: peepoSad
[2:08:42] Slylisk: moon2M
[2:08:42] DomRhomb: monkaS
[2:08:42] t_holton: CLINT MOON IRL STREAM
[2:08:42] インヂジォンズ: monkaW
[2:08:43] gigapoopchamp: moon2JR XI BAO CLINT
[2:08:43] Derkarus: Whats wrong with hanging out with your dad? @ClintStevens
[2:08:43] Erzha: monkaW
[2:08:43] bryan__senpai: monkaW
[2:08:43] TheeStruggle: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:43] knuklezzz: he'll R you
[2:08:44] capt_coldyron: you can bunk with his kid
[2:08:44] JayFawks: monkaW
[2:08:44] ireinstal: monkaW
[2:08:44] xxhitthebong420xx: moon2M bitch
[2:08:44] emperorpenguinthe3rd: tell us what his "wife" and "son" looks like
[2:08:44] DallasEvertts: monkaW
[2:08:44] mannerrrrrr: ??????
[2:08:44] faelions: LOL
[2:08:44] sixteencharactrs: monkaW
[2:08:44] evanescent_ghost: monkaW
[2:08:44] Eatmypenguin: moon2M 📣 I HAVE A FAKE FAMILY
[2:08:44] Kaiochi: monkaW WTF
[2:08:45] arkem232: Susge
[2:08:45] Bullseye1458: monkaW
[2:08:45] 하루이스와이푸: monkaW
[2:08:45] DissTracktion: monkaS
[2:08:45] blahaj___: peepoShy
[2:08:45] Vanishyi: moon2M Ill groom you
[2:08:45] snackydonuts: pepeFlushed
[2:08:45] Chef_Nick: monkaW
[2:08:45] MegaDisc: OMEGALUL
[2:08:46] lucia7045: You should make a content house with other speed runners
[2:08:46] EthanFairw: LOL
[2:08:46] JMGaming19: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:46] fireworks506: fake wife fake kids
[2:08:46] GuobaGuhua: peepoShy
[2:08:46] Alionse: moon2M you would
[2:08:47] RedLink305: Don't go to his basement.
[2:08:47] pot_up: monkaW
[2:08:47] sarahFYI: monkaW
[2:08:47] That1GuyNRG: fake wife and kid
[2:08:47] communitysquarejerk: moon2M
[2:08:47] garalth: PauseChamp
[2:08:47] Allwright21: monkaS
[2:08:47] Scanderscoff: what if his peepee was bigger
[2:08:47] mrgarbett: monkaS
[2:08:47] ODINSON36: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:47] kareemu: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:47] strupps13: Moon is from Germany?
[2:08:47] donutsbyjdilla: monkaW
[2:08:47] LimebotStevens: information about him and I'd be worried that I would like actually blurt it out without thinking Clant
[2:08:47] noNova: monkaW
[2:08:48] i_was_banned_now_im_not: monkaW
[2:08:48] pa_illa: his kid
[2:08:48] Witzell: moon2M ya sure
[2:08:48] tipan__: monkaW
[2:08:48] Lance_J: @ClintStevens just ask if he wants to smoke a joint with you
[2:08:48] tfells: monkaW
[2:08:48] BILLYBOBSWAGGINS: ?????????
[2:08:49] TYWM_: monkaOMEGA ???
[2:08:49] Killshamil: PepeLaugh
[2:08:49] troovy: monkaW
[2:08:49] MEATS_XD: find out if his wife and kid is real monkaW
[2:08:49] smBarrel: his wife?
[2:08:49] rct33: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:49] PersistantPro: serial killer monkaW
[2:08:49] markisking_tv: ??
[2:08:50] JMGaming19: monkaOMEGA SECRET
[2:08:50] fear865: Is it his fake wife?
[2:08:50] SevenStrangeMelons: have him meet you instead @ClintStevens
[2:08:50] Tailsglover: monkaS
[2:08:50] Erzha: fake wife
[2:08:50] bastrodoom: monkaW
[2:08:50] mojanga: monkaW
[2:08:51] TheZoulStormer: PEPW
[2:08:51] sir_magno: ??????????
[2:08:51] kev_12011: monkaW WHAT
[2:08:51] DoctorCroe: what is it?
[2:08:51] 鍋嶋圭一: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:51] Luraso: fake family moon2M
[2:08:52] stevencrag: moon2JOKA
[2:08:52] OffBeatOddity: Do it :)
[2:08:53] palsbro: monkaW dont say it
[2:08:53] Garyu_X: that's fair
[2:08:53] Kaiochi: DONT CLIP THIS monkaW
[2:08:53] helpusobi_1: monkaW we'll be good
[2:08:53] arkem232: What do you know?
[2:08:54] BEEF_LADY: DO IT
[2:08:54] t_holton: we know they're fake
[2:08:54] Unempressive: monkaOMEGA
[2:08:54] LittleScampi: I don't think moonmoon kills anymore
[2:08:54] jifjamfreak: you can confirm his fake wife and fake child
[2:08:55] LimebotStevens: stupid question Clant
[2:08:55] Matt_eM: He would bully you @clintstevens
[2:08:56] KSpang: like his fake wife and kid
[2:08:56] SlazyGio: REAL WIFE AND KIDS monkaOMEGA
[2:08:56] sleek12o12: monkaOMEGA MURDERER
[2:08:56] uncle_obama: do you do that now
[2:08:56] hemlogg: so its true monkaW
[2:08:56] tipan__: Clueless no way
[2:08:56] babsmcnh: just remember not to blurt it out
[2:08:57] begagan: his kid is real COPIUM
[2:08:57] nootnewtnute: fake wife and kid monkaW
[2:08:57] WildSe7en: monkaW
[2:08:57] Gravyrobber: We already know his wife isn't real
[2:08:57] Elicke: everybody already knows the wife and kid arent real
[2:08:57] TylrBailey: Cock size
[2:08:58] itsPalmen: monkaOMEGA eats children
[2:08:58] lumiririri: it's okay everyone knows his kid doesn't exist already
[2:08:58] Kafuin: fake family
[2:08:59] dildo_thief: hes ur dad he'll forgive u
[2:08:59] thestumpa: WhenYourBallsAreKindaSore TeaTime @ClintStevens
[2:08:59] I_Have_Zer0_Deaths_IRL: monkaW he is a vampire
[2:08:59] Corkscrewd: Never meet your heroes
[2:08:59] TYWM_: FAKE FAMILY moon2M
[2:09:00] Eatmypenguin: @ClintStevens His fake wife isnt secret
[2:09:00] Brycen_Baggins: fake kid
[2:09:00] natcon2: Like his social security number?
[2:09:00] OffBeatOddity: moon2S DO IT
[2:09:00] eelkir: do it now so it's not a problem
[2:09:00] bryan__senpai: SAY IT
[2:09:00] blueberrybutthoIe: he's a furry
[2:09:01] buttershooter_: POGGERS He is pregnant!
[2:09:01] capski: he's a russian spy monkaW
[2:09:01] nerdtle: the deep lore
[2:09:01] sawhunter: we already know the family is fake
[2:09:01] fanrenheyt: monkaW DOUBLE LIFE
[2:09:01] babsmcnh: im sure you wouldnt though
[2:09:02] UndPancake: pepeMeltdown family not real (REAL)
[2:09:02] Retro_Quokka: what do you know about moon
[2:09:02] LimebotStevens: awesome kind of nervous said Clant
[2:09:02] adihm: FAMILY PepeLaugh
[2:09:02] dyllllq: monkaW
[2:09:02] Bullseye1458: moon2M THE WIFE AND CHILD ARE REAL
[2:09:04] SantiagoIsMyName: monkaOMEGA
[2:09:04] ratnapper: Getting adopted by moonmoon Pog
[2:09:05] MEATS_XD: FAKE
[2:09:06] snackydonuts: monkaW you know where his hairline is
[2:09:06] rct33: COPIUM
[2:09:07] bel_: lulWut
[2:09:07] nootnewtnute: real
[2:09:07] Hobby8: moon2JR do it
[2:09:07] DomRhomb: YEAHBUT7TV
[2:09:08] SanCtiiFiied: COPIUM
[2:09:08] TscJuno: loving the streams @ClintStevens
[2:09:08] markisking_tv: BALLS PauseChamp
[2:09:08] tfells: Kappa
[2:09:08] Juncos: moon2WUT wife
[2:09:08] Kaiochi: COPIUM wife
[2:09:08] That1GuyNRG: fake NODDERS
[2:09:08] mojanga: like his wife and kid
[2:09:09] itsandy93: KIDS
[2:09:09] TYWM_: OMEGALUL
[2:09:09] OffBeatOddity: pls stop moon2WUT
[2:09:10] nootnewtnute: monkaW
[2:09:10] adihm: PepeLaugh WIFE AND KIDS
[2:09:10] Syntribohs: OMEGALUL
[2:09:10] LimebotStevens: his wife and s are like marionette dolls or something Clant
[2:09:10] SevenStrangeMelons: they are
[2:09:10] begagan: COPIUM
[2:09:10] consumesoup: Moon is a vtuber I knew it
[2:09:10] JayFawks: uncle clint Pog
[2:09:10] garalth: LMAO
[2:09:10] R_a_X: OMEGALUL ?
[2:09:10] Sterfam_: COPIUM they exist
[2:09:10] bryan__senpai: OMEGALUL
[2:09:10] Kaiochi: LOL
[2:09:11] CityBill: LULW
[2:09:11] RiTu1337: happythoTap
[2:09:11] OffBeatOddity: LMFAO
[2:09:11] afterjoy: LMAO
[2:09:11] SatoChee: PEPW
[2:09:11] JMGaming19: OMEGALUL
[2:09:11] tfells: OMEGALUL
[2:09:11] Luraso: LUL
[2:09:11] ireinstal: LOL
[2:09:12] 鍋嶋圭一: veiOMEGALUL