
Team Created: Jan 15, 2018
Average Viewers: 0
Total Views: 0
Team Info:
We are a team of fricking gamers thatare ok with replacing the F word to a cleaner, more family friendly F word: Frick. Just as versatile. But cleaner and memer, with using Frick bombs. Try your best to say the word Frick instead of you-know-what. If you fail, it's ok. You're human. Uplift each other in this team -- be wholesome! If you think you know someone who would be a good fit for this team, please reach out to: [email protected]

Fricks is a Twitch team created on Jan 15, 2018 and currently still active. Fricks has total of 9 members active on Twitch. All Members combined has total of 0 followers. Member's total Average Viewership is 0 and total channel views is 0. You can see the active and old members list below...

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