
Team Created: Jun 21, 2012
Average Viewers: 0
Total Views: 0
Team Info:
Wargaming is an award-winning online game developer and publisher and one of the leaders in the free-to-play MMO market. Founded as a privately held company in 1998, Wargaming has shipped more than 15 titles and employs over 900 people across such key regions as North America, Europe, Russia, and Asia. Currently, Wargaming is focused on its team-based MMO war series dedicated to the mid-20th century warfare that will include the company's flagship armored MMO World of Tanks, launched in April 2011 and currently boasting 30 million players worldwide, the flight combat World of Warplanes, named one of the most anticipated MMOs for 2012, and the naval World of Warships, scheduled for release in 2013.

Wargaming is a Twitch team created on Jun 21, 2012 and currently still active. Wargaming has total of 0 members active on Twitch. All Members combined has total of 0 followers. Member's total Average Viewership is 0 and total channel views is 0. You can see the active and old members list below...

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