The best RNG moment

Twitch clip created by duckrobby4 for channel skill4ltu while playing game World of Tanks on August 2, 2022, 2:05 pm. This clips is a popular clip for skill4ltu.

Clipped by duckrobby4 on August 2, 2022, 2:05 pm

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[4:00:08] Arniux333: !index
[4:00:08] StreamElements: Visit pick up your vehicle and get : Videos, equipment, crew skills, field modification, MoE expectation and more. Chrome extension available!
[4:00:14] elliotviking: @momix99 skilHa skilPride skilHa skilPride
[4:00:21] darkoni__: Sad to see 1.3k channel points...went all in, lost all Kappa