No teams looking for players Sadge

Twitch clip created by larllen for channel Jankos while playing game League of Legends on November 6, 2022, 6:21 am. This clips is a popular clip for Jankos.

Clipped by larllen on November 6, 2022, 6:21 am

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[2:21:58] Abiogenesis67: have you been working out jankos, seeing some buffy shoulders there
[2:21:59] sp1ral34: @eilhartt np thou, itsOK dankHug
[2:22:04] bk_loh: peepoRiot free Ryan peepoRiot free Ryan peepoRiot free Ryan peepoRiot free Ryan
[2:22:05] CaptainJackoffSparrow0: Deft kinda baited pyosik in that kalista game
[2:22:05] Kruk233: Add THIS
[2:22:06] oacoello: KRUK Based
[2:22:06] deIarium: PoroSad #unbanryan
[2:22:09] larllen: It's called Boomer smite, you experienced it yourself Oldge
[2:22:10] milfhunter_0_: !opgg
[2:22:10] eilhartt: Father Kruk luvv
[2:22:10] Streamlabs: EUW acc: KR acc:
[2:22:13] mlodyg_ok: COCKA
[2:22:13] Gojulos: u watch finals with plumy?
[2:22:14] testlum: Pog
[2:22:16] oacoello: BASED
[2:22:17] shamandaboy: T1 Jankos incoming
[2:22:17] marcin915: LEAKED
[2:22:20] kovi_lol: LEAKOS Pog
[2:22:21] booooooooj: do you understand korean
[2:22:23] clenkfps: Sadge
[2:22:24] ahjin999: elder diff i guess
[2:22:25] lnfinislayer: Sadge