New DH

Twitch clip created by RallerZZ for channel DeadByDaylight while playing game Dead by Daylight on June 27, 2022, 11:28 am. This clips is a popular clip for DeadByDaylight.

Clipped by RallerZZ on June 27, 2022, 11:28 am

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[0:32:11] tengil_xoxo: E
[0:32:11] MandyTalk: @Lylovir geefHug
[0:32:11] TheProffesir: E
[0:32:11] KnightKarkaro: E
[0:32:12] kasztanek096: WTF
[0:32:12] beabimbap: BibleThump
[0:32:12] Vymix_: E
[0:32:12] MrSoloDoughLowww: ohhhhh
[0:32:12] Wisdomwielder: DH seems even stronger than before!
[0:32:12] FondaDixxx: whats the point of pain res then. If they're working on a gen they'll just repair it back up right pain res
[0:32:13] HotMilfInArea: E
[0:32:14] lucythemaria: E
[0:32:14] waffleeggs30: E
[0:32:14] tomatoviich: E
[0:32:15] ejr_titico: what
[0:32:16] sparkzzzzs: Yo how you doin? @HybridPanda
[0:32:16] bruh_slayer_69: yes daddy
[0:32:16] cr1mzon_gamer: E
[0:32:16] CoopDiesAtTheBeginning: thejrmLaugh
[0:32:16] grav3yrdd1rt: yo yo yo
[0:32:16] notYuki_gg: ninjaCRINJA
[0:32:17] Dedpull123: RIP SURVIVORS!
[0:32:17] ACleverName4Me: HATE DEAD HARD
[0:32:17] praisedee: E
[0:32:17] srkhaos: E
[0:32:17] RetroVizor26: ye lets pretend we as killers dont have to hook people so nerf it
[0:32:18] send_me_cat_pic: E
[0:32:18] momma_bear31: Comit
[0:32:18] PabloRey18: these survivors mains crying over killer mains tf
[0:32:18] FleNxDz: LMAO
[0:32:18] Schmudders: @MediocreSlasher But they didnt get rid of that effect, only the extra bloodpoints
[0:32:18] DucksQuack21: E
[0:32:18] ThatOneCultist: Oh that's good.
[0:32:19] glonavy_xx: Wow
[0:32:19] bunnypezra: imagine a survivor trying to survive....
[0:32:19] plant_bandit: the dwight with crows lexicatLUL
[0:32:19] Cobra_Mack_M7: E
[0:32:19] ReKz___: where is nurse nerf?
[0:32:20] qtkwc: L
[0:32:20] somedudenamedpatrick: HYZZK
[0:32:21] Tenebricosum: LMAO that animation
[0:32:21] AnqerIssues: you know every killer in the game sent in a report on it \
[0:32:21] TacoShow: Low IQ players think Dead Hard is dead LOL 😂
[0:32:22] KaedaZ: WTF
[0:32:22] alpaca_boyyy: Mandy is the twins changes also in this PTB?
[0:32:22] problemsattic: E
[0:32:22] FilthyLegionMain: They're reading off of the dev update page. Wow.
[0:32:22] BangCryDie: dead hard = baby surv perk DemoPls
[0:32:22] vkrypts: ?
[0:32:23] christianlopez2355: oh it still does the og animation but no dash
[0:32:23] jr7162015: not that animatio i-
[0:32:23] theTARNavsky: EEEEEEEEEE
[0:32:23] joestoez: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[0:32:23] Miguel_Adso: e
[0:32:23] albertv60: deadhard is op now
[0:32:24] OGLadyGhost: sprint burst is better than dead hard
[0:32:24] Kai1108: can u use it while vaulting!!!!
[0:32:25] MissBilly: LMFAO it looks so silly now
[0:32:25] ScftKcsses: LEAVE DEAD HARD ALONE
[0:32:26] Yezhyyy: farmD farmD farmD farmD
[0:32:26] TommyTucks: @Orlaglol of course it is, itll regress a gen and theyll jump straight on it and you wont know where the survs are
[0:32:26] notjeeter55: dead hard is done for. good job screwing it devs
[0:32:26] The_Thorn_of_Flowers: F
[0:32:26] oceanman019: EEEEEEEEEE
[0:32:27] monopolygamer12345: E