why didnt you tank?

Twitch clip created by sirsplooger for channel SoloRenektonOnly while playing game League of Legends on October 17, 2022, 12:02 pm. This clips is a popular clip for SoloRenektonOnly.

Clipped by sirsplooger on October 17, 2022, 12:02 pm

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[1:23:06] Diegoreaper_75: "i lost my flash bc of darius" my prediction
[1:23:12] TotallyNotACopBro: KEKL
[1:23:12] Aerked: LUL
[1:23:14] tinytitan13: KEKW
[1:23:22] Ewbadobadi: this is why i dont play anything but aram
[1:23:23] sirsplooger: LMAO
[1:23:24] TheTurbs: lolol oh god
[1:23:27] Skexxies: D:
[1:23:28] victoryrich12345: KEK
[1:23:31] Aerked: KEKL
[1:23:31] tozzofour: Hahahaha
[1:23:31] goldistomp: HAHAHAHAHAA
[1:23:32] ela_prof: go off queen!
[1:23:33] Uhfuecu: KEKW
[1:23:33] berkel91: KEKW
[1:23:33] nikator1: monkaS
[1:23:34] wumbusxlan: sroConfused sroConfused
[1:23:35] xFinalshot: LUL LUL NotLikeThis
[1:23:38] The_Kid911: there he is
[1:23:43] Aleandrus42: Raaaaaageeeee
[1:23:44] Tones__Bones: feeling bad about my prediction now
[1:23:45] xeliaseek: this karthus kekw
[1:23:46] uchiha_pyke: bla bla bla
[1:23:49] iSubToSimps: SoloTiltOnly is truly the best name for this account
[1:23:49] MaverickMan909: think its a WoW angle now
[1:23:52] smoov0taku: this is why i stoped polaying league