Twitch clip created by MKilla for channel loltyler1 while playing game League of Legends on June 15, 2022, 8:03 pm. This clips is a popular clip for loltyler1.

Clipped by MKilla on June 15, 2022, 8:03 pm

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[3:58:59] desu45: What champion is Tyler playing chat :)
[3:59:00] Totaliss: has he not read the patch notes?
[3:59:01] timelisss: l
[3:59:02] breakingblacktallica: BigBrother !
[3:59:02] Shadowauron: Senna was a mistake YEP
[3:59:02] EMP_Spookys_Favorite_Bong: @ithatsings no you dont
[3:59:03] cpeak24: Chat why does Tyler’s new house have bad internet??
[3:59:04] adaptmfer: AYAYA
[3:59:04] just_a_slayer: πŸ€“
[3:59:05] ninosaur: OMEGALUL
[3:59:05] xRandolax: Pepega
[3:59:05] jstarrandom1: KEKW
[3:59:06] Doc_Aaron: real voice
[3:59:06] Bentakilll: KEKW σ €€
[3:59:06] ProSuPrEmE: LUL
[3:59:07] kiefgoblin: WutFace
[3:59:07] JustJW: LMAO
[3:59:07] crystal_kamikaze: @hopkinsjake bro no one cares about that goblin
[3:59:07] zStin: KEKW
[3:59:07] jstarrandom1: KEKW CRINGE
[3:59:07] Magmorrr: no it was only minion kill chance got buffed
[3:59:07] EMP_Spookys_Favorite_Bong: Pepega
[3:59:07] ICarb0n: KEKW
[3:59:07] Motionfox: KEKW
[3:59:08] myelin7: OEMGALUL
[3:59:08] swishes: lmao
[3:59:08] AjaxKM_: KEKL
[3:59:08] Pirate_Bard: OMEGALUL
[3:59:08] kaaaizer: xqc frogs Pepepains
[3:59:08] charming_tree: KEKW
[3:59:08] mensurgrdoc00: KEKEW
[3:59:08] fluff_addict: haHAA
[3:59:08] ryuren5: OMEGALUL
[3:59:08] randystrikesz: KEKW
[3:59:08] permabanned4: KEKW
[3:59:08] Yalex3223: AYAYA
[3:59:08] ManakinEU: OMEGALUL
[3:59:08] Bentakilll: OEMGALUL
[3:59:09] 퍼피퍼피: XQC
[3:59:09] eliteone11: @hopkinsjake NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT IT
[3:59:09] ilverism: πŸ€“ Clap
[3:59:09] oatmealbro: KEKW
[3:59:09] hi_sayri: KEKW
[3:59:09] fofilein_: KEKW
[3:59:09] QuillOfAnguish: KEKL
[3:59:09] Colonel__Sanders: KEKW
[3:59:09] ItsMatt_004: WAYTOODANK
[3:59:09] ν•˜λ£¨μ΄μŠ€μ™€μ΄ν‘Έ: KEKW
[3:59:09] perfectionoflight: KEKW
[3:59:09] tw1tchsVccs: KEKW
[3:59:09] monkmodemental: KEKL
[3:59:09] Shadowauron: KEKW
[3:59:09] nightliex: Pepega
[3:59:10] pet_eldrazi: KEKW
[3:59:10] sodegurumajime: OMEGALUL
[3:59:10] jstarrandom1: KEKWKEK KEKW
[3:59:10] primewintert: LMAOOOOOOOO
[3:59:10] GuudGuyTakers: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW
[3:59:10] fooly_kooly: πŸ€“
[3:59:10] Bentakilll: OMEGALUL
[3:59:10] Wumbiie: lmiXD
[3:59:10] fofilein_: KEKW ?
[3:59:10] Raikov0: Pepega
[3:59:10] ViLiN_1: KEKW
[3:59:10] ir0n_spid3r: KEKW
[3:59:10] imjuhbaited: OMEGALUL
[3:59:10] Madara989_: KEKW
[3:59:10] Innjolmi: KEKW
[3:59:11] Yuu_2134: OMG KEKW
[3:59:11] permabanned4: OMEGALUL
[3:59:11] wickedchangmo: LOL
[3:59:11] brewmanchu94: brewmanchu94 subscribed with Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! BIG T WELCOME BACK TO BEST SERVER
[3:59:12] Macaiyla: KEKW
[3:59:12] ResCube_: ???
[3:59:12] Chikarouu: KEKW
[3:59:12] ν•˜λ£¨μ΄μŠ€μ™€μ΄ν‘Έ: KEKW σ €€
[3:59:12] lotprince1: KEKW
[3:59:12] SteeziSam: LMFAO
[3:59:12] jstarrandom1: KEKW KEKW
[3:59:12] ImGuyIncognito: Pepega
[3:59:12] dogplatformr2: peepoHappy
[3:59:12] rockyguyman: KEKW REAL VOICE
[3:59:12] AjaxKM_: OMEGALUL
[3:59:12] Buttershakes: mooOMEGA
[3:59:12] odeiolulu1: KEKW
[3:59:13] widepeepodumb: senna is riding a horse prxGasm
[3:59:13] dinduneff: OMEGALUL
[3:59:13] Saucebauc3: KEKW
[3:59:13] Dr_mon3y: KEKW
[3:59:13] EDAR0US: Turn the lights on
[3:59:13] Bentakilll: LMAOOOOOOO
[3:59:13] Murderr47: KEKL
[3:59:13] Yalex3223: KEKL
[3:59:13] OlivePeel: KEKW
[3:59:13] wickedchangmo: KEKW
[3:59:13] grisha_owo: autism
[3:59:13] fofilein_: KEKW KEKW KEKW
[3:59:14] Slyme9: KEKW
[3:59:14] jjonsx777: prxGasm
[3:59:14] primewintert: IM DYING
[3:59:14] Macaiyla: KEKW KEKW
[3:59:14] jstarrandom1: KEKW KEKW KEKW
[3:59:15] crystal_kamikaze: πŸ€“
[3:59:15] Tom_Is_Taken: ban him
[3:59:15] Firesfear: KEKW
[3:59:15] ninosaur: tier list drama KEKW
[3:59:15] Is__A__Boss: OMEGALUL
[3:59:16] adaptmfer: D:
[3:59:16] just_a_slayer: D:
[3:59:16] ir0n_spid3r: OMEGALUL
[3:59:16] Evita_chan2: πŸ€“
[3:59:16] dahmus1: SAME LULW
[3:59:16] wickedchangmo: KEKWW
[3:59:17] ezecktor: πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“
[3:59:17] SicparvisMagnum: πŸ’€
[3:59:17] jstarrandom1: KEKW JUICERS
[3:59:17] sodegurumajime: SAME
[3:59:17] Slmeon: OMEGALUL
[3:59:17] pablorddd: KEKW
[3:59:17] Bentakilll: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
[3:59:17] NighTearic: THAT FUCKING GOT ME
[3:59:17] EMP_Spookys_Favorite_Bong: haHAA
[3:59:18] Yuu_2134: KEKL KEKL KEKL KEKL KEKL
[3:59:18] Raikov0: illness diff
[3:59:18] Fa1ange: KEKW
[3:59:18] jstarrandom1: KEKW
[3:59:18] goldenmodz: xqcL
[3:59:18] odinxrk: KEKW
[3:59:18] SteeziSam: LOLLLLLLLLLLL
[3:59:18] Oone1_: @hopkinsjake, TOUCH GRASS
[3:59:18] carsonssj: SAME LULW
[3:59:18] MrMe_17: KEKW
[3:59:18] primewintert: HOLY FUCK LMAOOOOOOOO
[3:59:19] ChadCharizard: KEKW
[3:59:19] JoonBoomNA: HOLY SHIT KEKW
[3:59:19] NoxViginti: KEKW
[3:59:19] permabanned4: KEKW
[3:59:19] ezecktor: OMEGALUL
[3:59:19] adaptmfer: D: moon2L cmon
[3:59:19] frankerboii: LMAO
[3:59:19] DrinkSomeJhin: KEKW
[3:59:19] jstarrandom1: KEKW >
[3:59:20] santiagogv23: s1lverVgolos
[3:59:20] stormyzero2: KEKW xqc fans
[3:59:20] unicornrx78: πŸ€“
[3:59:20] Bentakilll: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
[3:59:20] fofilein_: DO IT POGGERS
[3:59:20] Spam_GreyFace: Copeler1 doesnt know
[3:59:20] DoodAwsumMan: @MR i mean yeah but thats cause of proximity to eu server, how much you pay for internet service barely has anything to do with it. i pay 80 usd for 900mb/s unlimited data but data caps are the spawn of stan
[3:59:20] fluff_addict: OMEGALUL
[3:59:20] permabanned4: OMEGALUL
[3:59:21] thaauthority: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[3:59:21] kiefgoblin: xqcL
[3:59:22] jstarrandom1: KEKW KEKW