Totem Bams!

Twitch clip created by Aenashi for channel JonBams while playing game Minecraft on July 18, 2022, 11:17 am. This clips is a popular clip for JonBams.

Clipped by Aenashi on July 18, 2022, 11:17 am

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[1:46:58] notcosmo08: @mrhitthatbrit But ur in pain when its cold cuz ur legs turn into pain from cold ur feet start curling up and its painfull and i would be rugged up and still be freezing my tits off
[1:47:01] SquattingDolphin: lots of houses in the PNW and alaska dont have AC
[1:47:02] kingcamxvi: im in the USA and my last two apartments haven't had AC
[1:47:05] rockeva: new york has black outs due to AC usage.. dont lie
[1:47:07] Yokovich: JESUS
[1:47:07] Mach424: Clap
[1:47:07] rockeva: wow!!!!!!!!
[1:47:08] LocalFBI_Agent: KEKW
[1:47:09] sqd2776: KEKW
[1:47:10] BornNaked2: D:
[1:47:10] unussualunicorn: monkaS
[1:47:10] PrimeBlackDodo: OMEGALUL NOICE
[1:47:10] overaxe: OMG
[1:47:10] SquattingDolphin: hypeE
[1:47:10] Yokovich: monkaS
[1:47:10] ThatHardcorePlayer: bruh
[1:47:11] Maikeru420: LMFAO
[1:47:11] WunUP: WOW!
[1:47:11] Samwise_GamerG: LUL
[1:47:11] courtkouba: HOLY
[1:47:12] UYScuti_: KEKW
[1:47:12] Mach424: Knew it bamHH
[1:47:12] Traytonamor: KEKW
[1:47:12] DeadlyPaws: KEKW
[1:47:12] Osugi: monkaS
[1:47:12] KrissaKray: D:
[1:47:12] TMMOOF: wot
[1:47:12] TwIzTeDxSinner87: MAYBE..... next time it freezes in texas and people are making fun because its not built for that cold youll think twice because texas is chilling in the heat now
[1:47:12] dasse__: AHAHAHAH
[1:47:12] iamluckee: MonkaS
[1:47:13] bdiMATTIES: KEKW
[1:47:13] agentvik: monkaS
[1:47:13] llim3211: bamBet
[1:47:13] anonymouskoalas: KEKW
[1:47:13] rockerBOO: ok dddudee
[1:47:13] tictwitchtoe: woah
[1:47:13] Paladinknightsword: damnnnn bro
[1:47:14] StrikerCo: monkaS
[1:47:14] Jakestaley20: omfgggg
[1:47:14] Beekeepingit_real69: SSSsss
[1:47:14] EvilPLa: HOLY FCK
[1:47:14] bot087: wow
[1:47:15] KuroSanArts: wow!
[1:47:15] daroogames: OHHH OK
[1:47:15] Samwise_GamerG: ffs
[1:47:15] Altr0xx: hahahabab
[1:47:15] fl72: MonkaS
[1:47:15] SIickGB: KEKW
[1:47:15] mrkingid: Whoooooa
[1:47:16] talks_a_lot: clip it and ship it
[1:47:16] burritoson22: Hi everyone is our last visit we had a great day at the beach and our love of love and we love love and miss everyone we miss everyone love love miss love you miss miss
[1:47:16] Evol_Eno: wow
[1:47:16] sweatyvoid: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
[1:47:16] GiaFil: KEKW
[1:47:16] TriathlonTodd: World 4 Hype!
[1:47:16] cabbagebaugh: Rip!!!
[1:47:16] treebeardsuncle: I enjoy a cool 71 or 69 if I’m sleeping
[1:47:17] infxmhc2: monkaS WTF
[1:47:17] BornNaked2: Totem11 peepoClap
[1:47:17] sloothyt_: OHHHHHH
[1:47:17] d_brack: welp
[1:47:18] Beekeepingit_real69: WOOOOO
[1:47:18] irunthepeg: bamPog
[1:47:18] TristamIzumi: HYPERCLAP
[1:47:18] Mach424: hypeE
[1:47:18] its_me_Yola: OMG
[1:47:18] fatsoman08: Lol
[1:47:19] mtdsuperjuice: damn son
[1:47:19] ImpPossibilities: woohoo!
[1:47:19] jo7and25: Wow okay I’m awake now
[1:47:19] thepaulc14: LUL
[1:47:20] dragonworrier66: clap
[1:47:20] notfakeshake: get a new one, fast
[1:47:20] chootraintj: KEKW
[1:47:20] kylexy3: LUL
[1:47:20] Paladinknightsword: HI YOUTUBE
[1:47:20] this_is_clem_fandango_: I WAS HERE!
[1:47:21] bot087: KEKW
[1:47:21] SquattingDolphin: HYPERCLAP
[1:47:21] treebeardsuncle: Hahhaha
[1:47:21] Mach424: KEKW
[1:47:21] jc22596: whoa
[1:47:23] xarrexar: someone called that earlier.
[1:47:23] Rodimus_Supreme: HOLY SHIT!!!
[1:47:23] schwabies: LMAO
[1:47:24] calastius: monka