Twitch clip created by Corvus31 for channel DeadByDaylight while playing game Dead by Daylight on June 27, 2022, 11:16 am. This clips is a popular clip for DeadByDaylight.

Clipped by Corvus31 on June 27, 2022, 11:16 am

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[0:19:12] biankita2_: FrankerZ
[0:19:12] elucid: big oofs
[0:19:12] Wuupty: Bloodlust is already strong
[0:19:13] Ayekozi: PrideUwu
[0:19:14] AKNyx: I'm surprised you are adjusting BL after previously stating that there was no change in kill rates during the original test.
[0:19:14] OnlyRealArin: BUFF NURSE!!!
[0:19:15] cfkun: U r killing the game
[0:19:15] ciaranr1997: @otzdarva because of how the percentages work, 8 stacks of stbfl with the new update will be just over 8.5 stacks of current stbfl, hope that helps!
[0:19:15] Thomas_9532: So you are rewarding killers for bad game play
[0:19:16] thenemesismain: Nurse op
[0:19:16] Seysauce: Stranger Things?
[0:19:16] amylou728: no point at all running spinechill anymore. dead perk. stealth killers gonna love it
[0:19:16] philly_to_nyc: Bloodlust activates quite often for my group……..
[0:19:16] who_dropped_shack: bloodlust is second chance mechanic
[0:19:17] icer3: survivors should have different base speed based on their athleticism
[0:19:17] IssaSenseii: when is cross progression coming?
[0:19:20] Banchi3336: It is killer sided 🙄
[0:19:20] booty_full_: yall said that you are gonna remove bloodlust after pallet budget and map rework. all of that happen and yall make even shorter time for you to reach bloodlust. thats just bs.
[0:19:20] koneko_chan003: so the killer chases wrong and gets a boost??
[0:19:21] Cobra_Mack_M7: Killer sided Sh*t, because all Killed are crying every day ...
[0:19:21] Mavericzek: gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK gugagaBONK
[0:19:22] nizlle: @DeadByDaylight why do you hate survivors?
[0:19:23] lastofusspoil: BUFF NURSE
[0:19:23] meow_nstergameplay: I like alot of the changes, but I'm worried about how they've accidentally buffed camping. you guys need to deal with this
[0:19:23] BenDerBaer: bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender bender13Blender
[0:19:24] venom_2491: Nurse Op
[0:19:25] theworstsucc: Survivor mains when the killer that’s supposed to be powerful becomes powerful HahaSweat
[0:19:25] りっきー_: maouKerakera
[0:19:26] Normal1Potato: bruh
[0:19:26] jumboyde: and hte codes?
[0:19:27] jcxcovert: This change is really bad yall
[0:19:27] Hens333: bloodlust is huge on a high level
[0:19:27] gabriel07matheus_: TAKE OUT THE HACKERS
[0:19:27] frightning99: wtf the views were like 239 a moment ago
[0:19:28] OllieOdinson: 46 seconds in a chase? I mean...unless that's the last survivor lol
[0:19:28] Trashussy_: this update basically: we have buffed killers overall because we cannot fix matchmaking so we helping baby players and killing veteran players because of die hard killer mains
[0:19:28] Armgears: give HexNoodle survivor shirt
[0:19:28] ParryPotterTM: Bloodlust is already too much of a braindead mechanic, why not just remove it??
[0:19:28] stephfizzle: Killer sided as always
[0:19:28] DoritoOfDeath: so the end goal is to make solo survivors quit
[0:19:28] thebettercornflakedemon: CAN YOU TEST A SHIRTLESS PYRAMID HEAD SKIN?
[0:19:29] steepledboot1: buff dead hard
[0:19:29] burniingstar_: dead hard doesn't work
[0:19:31] d3ad_bread: Bloodlust need buff 💪