We Did It Lads

Twitch clip created by TimTKWriter for channel MightyTeapot while playing game Guild Wars 2 on August 24, 2022, 5:03 pm. This clips is a popular clip for MightyTeapot.

Clipped by TimTKWriter on August 24, 2022, 5:03 pm

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[4:39:04] Berosus: !giveaway
[4:39:04] dijor8: lol
[4:39:04] mindrazor: Might as well push 70k now
[4:39:04] SaveMySanity: HES DYING FOR THE CAUSE
[4:39:04] Kaia6: !giveaway
[4:39:04] floasura: !giveaway
[4:39:05] erayl_: !giveaway
[4:39:05] Reckless666: Malding
[4:39:05] projectprism: !giveaway
[4:39:05] GoldTalkShow: !giveaway
[4:39:06] x0a7mad0x: FeelsBdewsMan
[4:39:06] findus_the_cat: Teapot!! Please, I have only been away for a little bit and have no idea what you are trying to achieve here!!
[4:39:06] darkissgreen: !giveaway
[4:39:07] SoFisht: real twitch plays pokemon energy atm
[4:39:07] N3mus: !giveaway
[4:39:07] eyxx: You are defeated. OMEGALUL
[4:39:07] Pluckerpluck: !giveaway
[4:39:08] moonjordan: GO FOR 70000 INSTEAD
[4:39:08] brushbro: !giveaway
[4:39:08] dayvski: game over dinkDonk
[4:39:08] Qonstant: !giveaway
[4:39:08] malcyyye: !giveaway
[4:39:08] CoentraHeyes: !giveaway
[4:39:08] me_nubnub: !giveaway
[4:39:08] deinvali: its like in those video games on puzzles when you just spam buttons and never the the right combo KEKW
[4:39:08] RhinoFive: ScaredyCat
[4:39:09] f0cheur: !giveaway
[4:39:09] fenix__23: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis
[4:39:09] FloatingPork: DEAD TO A GRAPH OMEGALUL
[4:39:10] TruckLover2121: NotLikeThis
[4:39:10] DeLord420: !giveaway
[4:39:10] Fishy332: Did we miss 420?!
[4:39:10] Silentflight151: !giveaway
[4:39:11] freewatson: !giveaway
[4:39:11] xElisabette: !giveaway
[4:39:11] Farwind: !giveaway
[4:39:11] aldroger: !giveaway
[4:39:11] gradecurve: cmon chat it's easy
[4:39:11] TrayvonKing: PauseChamp
[4:39:11] Neomooze: !giveaway
[4:39:12] Void2258: seriously what is this about
[4:39:13] tinwald210: !giveaway
[4:39:13] bazinsk1: overshoot and undershoot control system enjoyers?
[4:39:13] KaaporaArt: YOU GOT THIS
[4:39:13] Voidpower: !giveaway
[4:39:14] paradakshund: peepoHappier
[4:39:15] Void2258: also you are dead
[4:39:15] knucklehead138: got to just screen cap it right when it the 0 rolls past 42
[4:39:15] Psilosynesthesia: KEKWait
[4:39:16] catiexo: !giveaway
[4:39:16] blackai1: !giveaway
[4:39:16] drmatera: !giveaway
[4:39:16] Kogleru: !giveaway
[4:39:17] projectprism: I didn't know you're a 420 type of guy xd
[4:39:17] JammieDodger: !giveaway
[4:39:17] SoFisht: PauseChamp
[4:39:17] draxter347: follower CM
[4:39:17] antikomori: !giveaway
[4:39:18] Pathowe: SLOW
[4:39:18] Sumatakso: ooo PauseChamp
[4:39:18] tailech: PauseChamp
[4:39:19] ross_lavelle: KEKWait
[4:39:19] daevhalla: !giveaway
[4:39:20] piffthemd66: here we go 69 k LETSGOOO
[4:39:20] purple_apple2: huh
[4:39:20] mommokka_: !giveaway
[4:39:20] ono95: !giveaway
[4:39:20] zeromias: !giveaway
[4:39:20] Apollo887: this is peak gameplay ngl
[4:39:21] xdd8348: 420
[4:39:21] lentzc: !giveaway
[4:39:21] gerchak: F
[4:39:21] Cluckerino: love the sawtooth in the graph lol
[4:39:21] hotandmessy: SLOW
[4:39:22] melisma42: !giveaway
[4:39:22] hugomaster666: !giveaway
[4:39:22] despin_blue: !giveaway
[4:39:22] im__henrik: !giveaway
[4:39:22] shamankyrick: i'm trying play the game here and have to keep alt-tabbing XD
[4:39:22] LilRevRobin: !giveaway
[4:39:22] TobiSetGo: CONTENT
[4:39:22] confettimoirai: !giveaway
[4:39:23] theworst_bean: !giveaway
[4:39:23] khoi_ow: !giveaway
[4:39:23] Coileain: PauseChamp
[4:39:23] Azalakyr: everyone type 69 420 let's goo
[4:39:23] ElazulHP: !giveaway
[4:39:23] w0lfpwn: lets go
[4:39:24] VXDraco: bit by bit
[4:39:25] purple_apple2: !giveaway
[4:39:25] HeadsOrFails: !giveaway
[4:39:25] MimiLikesTwitch: !drops
[4:39:25] MightyTeaBot: FULL VIDEO GUIDE -> https://youtu.be/JAgyUBLBcJE <- Connect your twitch account to your GW2 account here: https://account.arena.net/applications, then watch GW2 streams to get big loot! You can find your progress over at https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory
[4:39:26] TrilanceTTV: PauseChamp
[4:39:26] Thunderclock: YES POG
[4:39:26] Snurty: !giveaway
[4:39:26] ayyboss94: PauseChamp
[4:39:26] bound006: WAIT
[4:39:26] BelleroPhone: I WAS THERE
[4:39:27] w0lfpwn: !giveaway
[4:39:27] maytal: ohh
[4:39:27] dropdeadkris: Pogh
[4:39:27] TriggerZero404: !!!!!!!!!
[4:39:27] Atrain8281: !giveaway
[4:39:27] Coileain: YOOOO
[4:39:27] SOONZIEE: 69420
[4:39:27] Demilikos: !giveaway
[4:39:27] banqbanq: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
[4:39:28] DaedalusDask: gachiHYPER Clap
[4:39:28] WidoFTW: KEKW
[4:39:28] doberdob: !giveaway
[4:39:28] Jaykk: Pog
[4:39:28] LeptXela13: Pog
[4:39:28] pjdrummer: Delete channel!
[4:39:28] Psilosynesthesia: Pog
[4:39:28] Malvagik: !giveaway
[4:39:28] Dnatt: graph > ht cm
[4:39:28] WireBash: Pog
[4:39:28] maytal: clip!!
[4:39:29] skylitjoev: holllllddddd
[4:39:29] slp1279: PogBones
[4:39:29] TrayvonKing: YOOOOOOOO
[4:39:29] CaesarBritannicus: WoW
[4:39:29] At0micFruit: BOOM
[4:39:29] tBark: LETS GOOOO
[4:39:29] Thunderclock: OMG
[4:39:29] sheepith_: !build
[4:39:29] XeroN123: Pog
[4:39:29] Wemoksoid_: Pog
[4:39:29] Berosus: LETS GOOOO
[4:39:29] el_sparco: !giveaway
[4:39:29] dayvski: Pog
[4:39:29] notbeelzaboot: WE DID IT
[4:39:30] Bellza99: Woooooooooooooh
[4:39:30] Mango_Senpai: YESS
[4:39:30] miparpe: YESSS
[4:39:30] KuromeJ: OMG
[4:39:30] hotandmessy: YES YES YES
[4:39:30] Tandinos: NICE
[4:39:30] Epicsapphire1988: LETS GOOOO
[4:39:30] Zapalsoon: Pog
[4:39:30] jackthenet: !giveaway
[4:39:30] orophia: comedyLFG
[4:39:30] Dizzstr: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[4:39:30] Nexis4971: CLIP
[4:39:30] gorlim_4250: WE GOT IT
[4:39:30] Beeboycubed: Pog Pog Pog
[4:39:30] PJerald: Pog
[4:39:31] darktide86: !!