high-speed horse collision

Twitch clip created by sen0r_b0b for channel Criken while playing game Red Dead Redemption 2 on August 6, 2022, 7:47 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Criken.

Clipped by sen0r_b0b on August 6, 2022, 7:47 pm

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[1:28:18] Johnny__Topside: NODDERS
[1:28:20] Saphemeral: LUL
[1:28:21] stopher8888: LUL LUL
[1:28:21] C_a_l_e__: D:
[1:28:22] vinnygmoney: rekt
[1:28:22] Visual: OMG
[1:28:22] TheGhostlyOnyx: D:
[1:28:22] wiking_cs: murder
[1:28:23] Architect23: OMEGALUL
[1:28:23] Heisuisui: rood
[1:28:23] animeking194: D:
[1:28:23] Piri_Piri: LUL
[1:28:24] goobydewby: LUL
[1:28:24] mokitheking: OMEGALUL
[1:28:24] jacksaw12: oh my god LUL
[1:28:24] Major_J03: NOOO
[1:28:24] Haurh: LUL
[1:28:24] ChivyToad: OMEGALUL holy
[1:28:25] Mistacheeeez: D:
[1:28:26] SciFiCHiCKtv: OOF
[1:28:26] rat_ambush: monkaS
[1:28:26] ALevel1Cleric: D:
[1:28:26] DoktorScarecrow: OMG
[1:28:27] Architect23: HOLY
[1:28:27] ThatCrazyHawk: D: CALL THE UNION
[1:28:27] kirby23590: D:
[1:28:27] sen0r_b0b: tomatoBWL
[1:28:27] SciFiCHiCKtv: OMEGALUL
[1:28:28] spiderbinkie: NOOO
[1:28:28] timthesorcer3r: https://clips.twitch.tv/KnottyTenderDuckTakeNRG-H1RFVP6aEJ9Ltb8z
[1:28:30] saxton_2: D:
[1:28:30] UncleChetster: D:
[1:28:30] JavaVixen: LUL
[1:28:30] pawesomepanda: LUL
[1:28:31] Ender19000: OMEGALUL
[1:28:31] glitch_wizard: WORKER'S COMP
[1:28:33] adeptusalecto: LUL
[1:28:34] Visual: First Union business
[1:28:34] jacksaw12: penny is a UNIT
[1:28:35] glitch_wizard: FOR THE HORSE