Cr1tao destroying racks at 13 min with chen

Twitch clip created by milanmeister for channel Cr1tdota while playing game Dota 2 on May 24, 2022, 8:03 am. This clips is a popular clip for Cr1tdota.

Clipped by milanmeister on May 24, 2022, 8:03 am

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[0:59:50] robinthesad: 12 min tire 2 OSFrog Clap
[0:59:51] faint_zero: Why kick jerax not arteezy
[0:59:52] Akanai47: OSFrog nothing wrong
[0:59:53] jhjhjh: talented guy :)
[0:59:53] Zynates: BALANCE OSFrog
[0:59:54] The__Barba: OSFrog
[0:59:56] driftrockz: balanced KEKW
[0:59:57] seroswc090: @Ztokdo ***
[1:00:00] Dasiomo: OSFrog OMEGALUL
[1:00:00] ysriolu88: OSFrog but satisfying asf
[1:00:01] ex4ndius: OSFrog HERE I AM
[1:00:01] sandbag0: Icefrog should stop smoking weed
[1:00:01] livefromthe850: OSFrog
[1:00:02] greedydonke: nerfed OSFrog
[1:00:02] dolkilu: holy OSFrog
[1:00:03] bryanlal: this the meta during covid right , fking zoo
[1:00:03] MrZeeGam1ng: OSFrog
[1:00:04] gt_td_rasta: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog
[1:00:06] Demontsu23: wtf?
[1:00:06] wataguan: OMEGALUL
[1:00:08] dreamtzy: OSFrog
[1:00:08] seroswc090: OSFrog
[1:00:09] BskTurrop: ups your ancient is dead
[1:00:10] Dreamyyyyyyyyy: OSFrog
[1:00:10] dototwobot: OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog
[1:00:10] Thaikikku: EZ RAX
[1:00:11] Zynates: Mau5
[1:00:11] swatdoto: OSFrog
[1:00:11] yones224rahimi: gaben?
[1:00:11] Blitz9810: OSFrog 💢 i nerged that
[1:00:12] vaportwave: lol
[1:00:13] imalwaysrigth: i still cant believe it how great player like you eliminated early just because kyle curse BibleThump
[1:00:14] MrZeeGam1ng: EZ RAX
[1:00:15] 5pookydookie: OSFrog
[1:00:15] greedydonke: OSFrog NERFED BTW
[1:00:19] sandbag0: ?
[1:00:20] robinthesad: 13 min racks OSFrog Clap