$6000 Winning Hand

Twitch clip created by KanameDarkwind for channel SilentSentry while playing game Red Dead Redemption 2 on July 2, 2022, 2:10 am. This clips is a popular clip for SilentSentry.

Clipped by KanameDarkwind on July 2, 2022, 2:10 am

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[7:11:47] mobius1989: tyrissLul
[7:11:53] Trillionair3: BOOM
[7:11:54] ExorcistNinja: omg
[7:11:54] yobson: OMEGALUL
[7:11:56] rogue2724: sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB
[7:11:56] subsistcyber: monkaS
[7:11:58] xROLLINGxTHUNDERx: holy tits
[7:11:58] daltontigerboy: SLOW
[7:12:00] Litfrow: slow
[7:12:00] ExorcistNinja: getm em
[7:12:00] VytaIic: OMEGALUL
[7:12:03] gotnogame: slow play it
[7:12:04] Litfrow: LUL
[7:12:04] yobson: NO WAY
[7:12:05] Trillionair3: OMEGALUL
[7:12:05] subsistcyber: monkaS
[7:12:06] Amberela: oh god
[7:12:06] subsistcyber: monkaS
[7:12:07] subsistcyber: monkaS
[7:12:07] Clownskates: lolol
[7:12:07] daltontigerboy: this is where we kill him
[7:12:07] chilled_G: Pog
[7:12:07] Syrkle13: wtf
[7:12:08] Subbys: HOLY
[7:12:08] donnie1790: LOL
[7:12:08] ExorcistNinja: holy fuck shit ass
[7:12:09] Qaz12301: wtf
[7:12:09] d0note: SLOW
[7:12:11] d0note: MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL
[7:12:12] yobson: that's even better cuz he aint gonna think u have it
[7:12:12] Atomic_tomato11: why cant we see the cards down?
[7:12:13] mobius1989: fustyPog fustyPog fustyPog
[7:12:18] Amberela: ROBBIE NO
[7:12:18] Trillionair3: LUL
[7:12:18] Litfrow: KEKW
[7:12:19] Saavage1x: sentryHB sentryHB sentryHB sentryHB sentryHB sentryHB
[7:12:20] rogue2724: sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB sentryGV sentryHB
[7:12:20] Syrkle13: we did it
[7:12:21] ExorcistNinja: he dead
[7:12:22] Quesitron: Poor Robbie
[7:12:22] Trillionair3: victoryyyyy
[7:12:22] mynamesEERL: LUL
[7:12:23] HitTheTarget_98: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
[7:12:24] chilled_G: Bait and switch Pog
[7:12:25] Litfrow: he going to be big mad
[7:12:28] jessesmith1: Holy shit
[7:12:29] enemy_sam: POG
[7:12:30] Subbys: LETS GOOOO
[7:12:31] daltontigerboy: Ahahahahahagagaga
[7:12:31] Qaz12301: LUL
[7:12:34] jackalope_bunny: LUL
[7:12:36] rogue2724: WE DOUBLED TOMMY'S HAND