
Twitch clip created by Phloem87 for channel DansGaming while playing game Stay Out of the House on October 16, 2022, 1:08 pm. This clips is a popular clip for DansGaming.

Clipped by Phloem87 on October 16, 2022, 1:08 pm

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[2:21:30] BadgerlandBandit: monkaS
[2:21:30] yrvengalied: monkaS
[2:21:31] Lektorrrr: monkaS
[2:21:31] RandalThor_5: monkaS
[2:21:31] stee1flex: monkaS
[2:21:31] febig: lol
[2:21:31] Vivi_ix: that's your conscience - no quiting on the job
[2:21:32] TwitchPlusMe: danEye danEye2
[2:21:33] Bezzay: danDoor
[2:21:33] SupOrtFlam: monkaS
[2:21:34] 070178355: monkaS
[2:21:34] aardvarkian: 2020Snacking
[2:21:34] ChromaticCorps3: danS
[2:21:35] natsu130: OMEGALUL
[2:21:35] BriscSol: oh fuck
[2:21:35] rempac15: danPanic
[2:21:35] zintosso: LUL
[2:21:35] Swanyhh__: danLizard
[2:21:35] TenraiDaze: lmao
[2:21:35] Hydra94: danS
[2:21:35] Desu_Is_Sparta: danPanic
[2:21:35] procyon_mfc: lol
[2:21:35] Nikholas: WTFFFFFFF
[2:21:35] curiousthenoob: LUL
[2:21:35] underestimated_monkey: FUCK
[2:21:35] TheNotoriousLion: OMEGALUL
[2:21:35] Jaxelo: looooooooooool
[2:21:36] Darkomax: danPanic
[2:21:36] ChilliN_: LUL
[2:21:36] Locopengu1337: WTF MAN
[2:21:36] O_b_zen: HAHAHA
[2:21:36] LukeSkywhiskers: D:
[2:21:36] bolfri1: LUL
[2:21:36] soulreadstare: loooool
[2:21:36] Dubonzi: danS
[2:21:36] MetalGundam: danS ghost murderer
[2:21:36] DaedraPie: LOL
[2:21:36] Tokalafuchs: KEKW
[2:21:36] RedKaosZ: OMG
[2:21:36] rockysenpai24: LMAO
[2:21:36] RandalThor_5: OMG
[2:21:36] duppin: WutFace
[2:21:37] SekretAznMan: danPanic
[2:21:37] TreatyTreats: KEKW
[2:21:37] Silfel: danKEK
[2:21:37] e1re: HOLY SHIT
[2:21:37] LarryCordner: OMFG
[2:21:37] cirkuspoliceman: OMEGALUL
[2:21:37] Oanana: danKEK
[2:21:37] Gaulstar: danPanic
[2:21:37] Alan_One: danPanic
[2:21:37] NordESA: LUL
[2:21:37] febig: holy shit WutFace
[2:21:37] Desu_Is_Sparta: I JUMPED
[2:21:37] Archaeah: omg i jumped
[2:21:37] TheWatcherOfEternity: danLUL
[2:21:37] EverydaysGreatAtYourJUNES: KEKW
[2:21:38] Espresso_Junkie: LUL
[2:21:38] Smoke_Cohhilition: this is the DLC for how everyone became zombies prior to Leon coming to the gas station
[2:21:38] Locopengu1337: JEEZ
[2:21:38] PineappleBoB06: iluhgiurhfgopugoas[hg\\
[2:21:38] konejeesus: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL
[2:21:38] Lk_the3rd: danKEK
[2:21:38] based_cat: JESUS
[2:21:39] Kon_Travolta: omg
[2:21:39] Nikholas: I JUMPED
[2:21:39] Seijuro83: holy crap danLUL
[2:21:39] underestimated_monkey: FUCK OFF
[2:21:39] WhispaTheHallowed: DAmn
[2:21:39] ChromaticCorps3: danPanic
[2:21:39] tinytitan13: danPanic
[2:21:39] mentiz: danPanic
[2:21:39] eggcheezpotato: atpRtsd atpRtsd atpRtsd
[2:21:39] Nishiyoo: elgato danS
[2:21:39] limedragon83: LMAO
[2:21:39] Johnnyjman: danPanic
[2:21:39] Peterno3: danPanic danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:39] glb13: danKEK
[2:21:39] BeardMonkeyQc: danKEK
[2:21:40] GreyPit: danPanic
[2:21:40] Murlock07: lol
[2:21:40] papqrika: ELGATO LUL SCARY
[2:21:40] meionthief: actually scared me
[2:21:40] AudioNonsense: danPanic
[2:21:40] MissMokoko: danPanic
[2:21:40] l__ATHENA__l: :D
[2:21:40] LORDGARGALON: holy
[2:21:40] Zotu: KEKW
[2:21:40] caiqueb13: danPanic danPanic danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:40] BadgerlandBandit: KEKW
[2:21:40] cubicj: lmao i got scared too
[2:21:40] 狂戰士皮皮: holyshi
[2:21:41] Zirlas: danScared ELGATO! danPanic
[2:21:41] MetalGundam: danPanic aaa
[2:21:41] Cruduxy: LOL
[2:21:42] WildRanger45: danPanic
[2:21:42] MemoriesEmbrace: LUL
[2:21:42] nazzurro: danKEK
[2:21:42] Steve42k: danD danD danD
[2:21:42] DoughnutTheif: danPanic
[2:21:42] veovod: danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:42] DCGhostrider: danKEK
[2:21:42] The_Gimp_nVidia: danCult danCult danCult danCult danCult danCult danCult
[2:21:43] what_a_duud: ahhahahahaha
[2:21:43] 070178355: signal lost KEKW
[2:21:43] docmort: danS
[2:21:43] TheSolree: Ahahahahaha
[2:21:43] veryblueberryblue: danPanic danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:43] Speed_Kills_: MF
[2:21:43] RedKaosZ: I jumped
[2:21:43] poggoli: KEKW
[2:21:43] Reymoren: OMG
[2:21:43] lucromick: I JUMPED LOL
[2:21:43] Gosera: We need you turn this bussnies around, so we put a ward around it so you cant escape @DansGaming danCorpa danCorpa
[2:21:43] KroganExpress: danPanic
[2:21:43] BlankArkadian: danKEK ELGATO
[2:21:43] Swanyhh__: danPanic ohnPICNIC danPanic ohnPICNIC danPanic ohnPICNIC
[2:21:44] ClassicKerobel: danPanic
[2:21:44] Quoctopus: There it is danKEK
[2:21:44] Zarthryn: danPanic
[2:21:44] Arpanis: danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:44] PhoKenShet: fuck, that got me
[2:21:44] LuminousVal: X_X
[2:21:44] Versirus: LUL
[2:21:44] pizzatoad1: That scared the shit out of me
[2:21:44] yrvengalied: LUL that made me jump
[2:21:44] SUSHIsmells: OMG
[2:21:45] Onpoint117: danPanic
[2:21:45] Xaneth123: HAHAHA
[2:21:45] spielkint_: I MISSED IT
[2:21:45] ZoltanPepper: danPanic
[2:21:45] maianja: Omg that scared the sheet out of me!!
[2:21:45] storm_diff: danKEK
[2:21:45] Alierion: danPanic
[2:21:45] august_nights: lol
[2:21:45] TheHanbill: danPanic Jesus CHRIST I almost died
[2:21:45] LukeSkywhiskers: that still got me LUL
[2:21:45] diablofdb: rip
[2:21:45] sogeking_1337: Elgato
[2:21:45] limedragon83: danEvil danEvil danEvil
[2:21:45] IamTonto: we got el gatoed
[2:21:46] RyBri: KEKW got me
[2:21:46] krepping: fuck
[2:21:46] xStardustGG: danPanic
[2:21:46] Alan_One: danKEK2
[2:21:46] RandalThor_5: this got me
[2:21:46] TheRhythmGamer: aah
[2:21:46] Sam_Nash: danLUL danLUL danLUL
[2:21:46] Desidemona: RUINED
[2:21:46] BeardMonkeyQc: danLUL
[2:21:46] Smoke_Cohhilition: FUK OFF MATE I SHIT MYSELF
[2:21:46] Phloem87: that got me HOLY FK
[2:21:46] Markus88: HAHAHA LUL
[2:21:46] ph43lon: danPanic
[2:21:46] IceClone_J: danPanic
[2:21:47] KilobyteKeith: I jumped LUL
[2:21:47] Micah84: danPanic
[2:21:48] the_undying1: danPanic
[2:21:48] DunnwichDK: Hey you got any smokes
[2:21:48] IceClone_J: KEKW
[2:21:48] Matajn: danPanic
[2:21:49] Yohhakkai: FUCK U even the singal was gone lol
[2:21:49] Heoxyz: El gato
[2:21:49] Lynn027: danKEK danKEK danKEK
[2:21:49] MinimalDog: holy shit wtf
[2:21:49] Samyott: danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:49] Iyuru: Fuck LULW
[2:21:49] CursedFish: danPANIC
[2:21:49] underestimated_monkey: NO SIGNAL LUL
[2:21:49] Locopengu1337: I JUMPED SO HIGH WTF
[2:21:49] mick4lyf42: Holy crap that got me to
[2:21:49] Xaneth123: GOD DAMN IT
[2:21:49] procyon_mfc: that got me
[2:21:50] citymanlive: elgato LUL
[2:21:50] D3Kurisu: WAYTOODANK
[2:21:50] maianja: LUL LUL
[2:21:50] Maniac187: KEKW
[2:21:50] Majin_Bew: danPanic
[2:21:50] bodystockingsfourever: danD danD danD danD danD danD danD
[2:21:50] ZombieAuzzalt: gottem
[2:21:50] missogeno: DFUVK
[2:21:50] Kon_Travolta: that was great
[2:21:50] hSuneater: KEKW
[2:21:51] cubicj: jesus fk
[2:21:51] 3dwizardnba: LUL LUL LUL LUL
[2:21:51] PineappleBoB06: got me too
[2:21:51] Rage1984: Caesar danLUL
[2:21:51] LuminousVal: jumped
[2:21:51] Nikholas: HOLY SHIET danPanic
[2:21:51] BlueCats2: lol i jumped
[2:21:51] MsErica: lol
[2:21:51] Dumt: I jumped.
[2:21:51] andaroo: Elgato went crazy danSad
[2:21:51] LoupinStormborn: danPanic elgato
[2:21:51] slippinonseamen: WutFace elgato
[2:21:51] TheSolree: That one got me KEKW
[2:21:51] tye_digga: jokrdKekbob
[2:21:52] DaveJ_86: ELGATO! NotLikeThis
[2:21:52] what_a_duud: KEKW
[2:21:52] Thrixel: scared the crap outta me lol
[2:21:52] Legion_54: worse than a Geico commercial LUL
[2:21:52] lezinthegod: omgggg
[2:21:52] missogeno: DHIT
[2:21:52] NSAGlobal: danPanic
[2:21:53] IamTonto: EL GATO danKEK
[2:21:53] Rygem: ELGATO screw YOU
[2:21:53] duppin: LULW i jumped
[2:21:53] Speed_Kills_: GODDAMN
[2:21:53] Steve42k: saw plaid and jumped danKEK
[2:21:53] EnClawe: I jumped too
[2:21:53] EverydaysGreatAtYourJUNES: danKEK danKEK
[2:21:54] nazzurro: El Gato got us again!
[2:21:54] missogeno: VINT
[2:21:54] Justasian: danPanic I YUMPED
[2:21:54] thejynxedone: danPanic danPanic danPanic
[2:21:54] Kesto30: KEKW
[2:21:54] mobsterpal: KKona
[2:21:54] Lk_the3rd: even though you halfway saw it coming danLUL
[2:21:54] LarryCordner: Geezus
[2:21:55] Chatterbox1991: the games geometry tried ti save you
[2:21:55] DrM0ng0: geez Dan keep it together KEKW
[2:21:55] Dubonzi: ELGATO danPanic
[2:21:55] Detective_Kid: danPanic danPanic
[2:21:55] Tikkiman11: danPanic
[2:21:55] puppersgoesbork: danPanic
[2:21:56] missogeno: FICK