how Twitch Rivals is doing, Toast's team vs XQC

Twitch clip created by shotoz21 for channel TwitchRivals while playing game Rust on August 9, 2022, 4:40 pm. This clips is a popular clip for TwitchRivals.

Clipped by shotoz21 on August 9, 2022, 4:40 pm

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[3:54:44] tomi0fficial: Please increase the top left panel font size, cannot read the team names even. @CloudFuel @kvetchingkrist
[3:54:46] Dusty13B : lmao wheres the recoil
[3:54:47] cool_star05: Eft I player
[3:54:57] Skatrop: !nodes
[3:55:00] EtiDal: @CloudFuel thx
[3:55:02] meteehan06: @bigshivz but I bought 2 from the market, how do those people sell them?
[3:55:05] CloudFuel: Recial was changed a few patches back
[3:55:12] CXD1997: @bigshivz didn’t you use to be able to get all the skins for the event from just watching this channel though?
[3:55:12] しひし: @meteehan06 Because they're not supposed to be tradable/sold. Steam had a technical issue earlier but it's fixed.
[3:55:23] HyPeY_CDL: @CloudFuel So I can earn the Twitch Rivals LR and the xqc door by watching xqc?
[3:55:25] CloudFuel: Recoil*
[3:55:26] permasadge: GAMBA
[3:55:26] GGemoto28: !leaderboard
[3:55:26] UnknownErmine: !kills
[3:55:26] Moobot: @GGemoto28
[3:55:31] yrughuh: Gamba
[3:55:33] Dusty13B : of course xqc is gambling
[3:55:34] Kronvall: hahaha Xqc! Ofc he is gambling LUL
[3:55:36] ayeetrain: not this again man