safe spot where no "milk" can get at it

Twitch clip created by yuminyan for channel Distortion2 while playing game Elden Ring on May 25, 2022, 1:09 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Distortion2.

Clipped by yuminyan on May 25, 2022, 1:09 pm

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[0:05:53] WakeUpDeadman: ryu distHypers
[0:05:53] i_NullPointer: the milk zipped to the PC
[0:05:54] thecyberhorst: was it an anime pillow? AYAYA
[0:05:54] Maarionete: helelo ultrasteampunk JBallsMahoney ratJAM
[0:05:54] ThePindrop3: three points PogU
[0:05:57] ultrasteampunk: @ryuhayebusa distHypers distPat distH
[0:05:58] Jinbas: if only there was video PepeHands
[0:05:58] HarveyPls: gachiBASS
[0:06:00] DariusDunks: milk skip
[0:06:00] ThereIsYesSpoon: milk pot damage up
[0:06:01] deltacapricorni: LUL
[0:06:01] xunger08: hai dis hai cat
[0:06:01] JBallsMahoney: that's a very common problem with these new large GPUs
[0:06:01] puptime: themffUwu mariatLove missch30Aww katybeKitty oryxYarn
[0:06:01] Helelo: @Ryuhayebusa, Come back SealArrive
[0:06:02] HarveyPls: gachiHYPER
[0:06:03] riut2:
[0:06:03] actuallyAfic: he's back Pog
[0:06:04] Qigong: OMEGALUL
[0:06:05] garfep: milk-free zone
[0:06:06] FAKE1234RS: Can you Zip with the "new" PC? @Distortion2
[0:06:06] WakeUpDeadman: monkaGun
[0:06:06] xAzukaix: distCuter distCuter distCuter
[0:06:06] BirdLauncher: The Milk Incident
[0:06:07] Ryuhayebusa: @ultrasteampunk @Helelo distWave
[0:06:08] David_J12: meelk
[0:06:08] MajinRaviel: Sounds like a fun time
[0:06:08] Abyss_lX: Wait what happened?
[0:06:09] i_NullPointer: LULW