Luckiest player Habugabu confirmed

Twitch clip created by hearthstoneiamlegend for channel FenoHS while playing game Hearthstone on June 21, 2022, 2:13 pm. This clips is a popular clip for FenoHS.

Clipped by hearthstoneiamlegend on June 21, 2022, 2:13 pm

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[5:18:38] ambdoexious: nice box
[5:18:39] Arceus1234: LMAO i love watching both streams at once KEKW
[5:18:40] nilmar88: OMEGALUL
[5:18:41] sunnyyq: monkaS
[5:18:42] Xcanmap: habu always fenoLuckiest fenoPlayer
[5:18:44] Carlthuzad: its yogg all over again. that alone makes the meta cringe PepeHands
[5:18:45] Seinheizer: box me dood
[5:18:50] Tidal_lol: 2nd box wins for sure Kapp
[5:18:54] Kenmeini: SO LAKI
[5:18:55] ambdoexious: how is habu so good
[5:18:56] hanwonwon1on1on: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[5:18:59] ambdoexious: he sees the plays
[5:19:00] Xeath5: KEKW
[5:19:02] CrunchTime4l: HS18ConcedeLeft HS18ConcedeRight
[5:19:02] WantonShoe: rexP
[5:19:04] sunnyyq: KEKW
[5:19:06] missk0rea: He has skill he is top 3
[5:19:08] cabstero: KEKW
[5:19:09] ambdoexious: top 3
[5:19:12] shadowulf_hs: flip of a coin
[5:19:13] horizon_x9: KEKW
[5:19:14] Ayriaz_P: fenoLuckiest fenoPlayer