real amount of gold required for rwf

Twitch clip created by toobored for channel Preachlfw while playing game Final Fantasy XIV Online on July 25, 2022, 10:13 am. This clips is a popular clip for Preachlfw.

Clipped by toobored on July 25, 2022, 10:13 am

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[0:33:41] beskarsilver: This is insane
[0:33:42] CopperNasher: @ravenribb sussy
[0:33:43] ravenribb: and don't tell me they got all tat gold legally
[0:33:43] Artour_babaevs: good lord man
[0:33:48] akuma2ks: So much money to fund a RWF NODDERS
[0:33:51] beskarsilver: Why is this a thing
[0:33:55] TheFuriyon: JESUS
[0:33:56] vikwax: holy
[0:33:56] Oswanov: wtf
[0:33:57] aftergl0w: OMEGALUL
[0:33:58] Molkohr: monkaS
[0:33:58] noisypotato11: WHAT
[0:33:58] Pro_tag: WTF
[0:33:58] JP11999: wtf
[0:33:59] HappyFace1: KEKW
[0:34:00] Dreadzol: pgeWut
[0:34:00] toveck15: lol
[0:34:00] Medias: wat
[0:34:01] coyote_btw: HAHAHHA
[0:34:01] Bagraman: OMEGALUL
[0:34:02] shinra40: so their in debt?
[0:34:02] RogueTomat01: monkaW
[0:34:03] bAssackward: KEKW
[0:34:04] SupoxFlytrap: holy fuck me lmao
[0:34:04] akuma2ks: JESUS CHRIST monkaS
[0:34:04] TemplarFi: POORS
[0:34:04] Jauffre_: jaysus
[0:34:04] ryogaryu: KEKW wtf
[0:34:04] Neilotha: bruh
[0:34:05] thewinner4me: DESPAIR
[0:34:05] arcticspooon: monkaS
[0:34:05] bAssackward: Holy crap
[0:34:05] bluuberrypancake: well designed KEKL
[0:34:06] BartyBreakerDragon: Bloody hell
[0:34:08] CrerisRs: @ravenribb they do, by selling boosts until they want to quit, but where THAT gold came from...who knows
[0:34:08] virtualchisa: yay for wfr right, right?
[0:34:08] Sleepzyo: thats a lot of wow tokens!
[0:34:11] TheGamerSundays: this is just absurd...
[0:34:11] TheyCantArrestUsAll: KEKW
[0:34:12] zReevio: monkaS
[0:34:12] Daniel_Is_I: Gee I wonder why people don't want to bother KEKW
[0:34:13] Mordwyl: No wonder Jeathe quit WoW
[0:34:14] Tibbroar: only 3.4 billion? fucking pgePoorT s
[0:34:15] rymed: KEKL
[0:34:16] Itchy0o: yeah but, whats the problem
[0:34:18] KyaranAmanore: @shinra40 they always are in debt after RWF
[0:34:18] TrowGundam: I think those numbers is more gold then I've ever had on all my characters combined, and I've played since March 2005
[0:34:22] myth002777: that's bobby new yacht right there Clap
[0:34:26] VolkhvGaming: KEKL 10/10 Design
[0:34:27] Chronetik: maybe more then 10k €
[0:34:30] PandaCoughlin: 3.4 billion doesn't seem that bad
[0:34:30] Khalus90: is the world first race even worth this
[0:34:30] Bogzeh: and blizzard designs around these ppl
[0:34:31] Sobyn: LUL
[0:34:31] hal2210: Workge
[0:34:32] Dreadzol: jess fcking christ
[0:34:33] psn_kratos: so many tokens to buy :D
[0:34:35] ganzoo98: Is there a chance it goes down now that Pieces is gone?
[0:34:37] 3rayed: How can anyone new hope to compete in the rwf without this much gold
[0:34:37] Impurite: this is why I stopped watching. I'm not ok with this crap.
[0:34:37] ryogaryu: KEKL 12 months of work
[0:34:42] Seevers: KEKW