s... he is right

Twitch clip created by sledz_z_wody for channel A_Seagull while playing game Overwatch on September 8, 2022, 2:18 pm. This clips is a popular clip for A_Seagull.

Clipped by sledz_z_wody on September 8, 2022, 2:18 pm

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[0:50:22] Varrbacon: i mean the market conditions of f2p games has made this a reality, no? like this was inevitable
[0:50:23] corwin1947: birdman this is peak youtube content you should upload this and officially rebrand as A_Reaction
[0:50:23] JimboJoe: "Ok guys so what if" that sounds like a good read
[0:50:24] CreepingPython: all of this is gonna KILL OW1
[0:50:25] verbal_sparring: im pretty tired of all of this. not worth bothering with.
[0:50:26] Adamnantine: Better than a paywall COPIUM
[0:50:27] yaboycarn: LMAOOOOO
[0:50:28] Youoh98: KEKW
[0:50:29] Niko__bellik__: OMEGALUL
[0:50:29] araforn1: KEKW
[0:50:29] Blair_Death: KEKW
[0:50:29] triztan13: With the battle pass for Rainbow 6 Siege they just give you the new character with the first tier of the pass. If you don't get the Paid pass you just have to grind the ingame currency to unlock it
[0:50:29] Wedrikul: KEKW
[0:50:30] thepoxygon: KEKW
[0:50:30] aidotheman22: KEKW
[0:50:30] WkMirai: Aware
[0:50:30] Mjsfusion: oh yeah KEKW
[0:50:30] ShauniJen: KEKW
[0:50:31] whatthewillus: LULW
[0:50:31] omgstepbrowhatareyoudoing: lmaooo
[0:50:31] 阿達本人: 2.5
[0:50:31] Peacememories: @A_Seagull having to play to unlock heroes might work well in league or apex, because there you decide your legend or champion at the start of the game and are expected to be able to compete with any of them for overwatch, one of the core tactical gameplays is to be able to change to the appropriate hero depending on the situation. so this is basically pay to win for me.
[0:50:31] Baaron_Nox: so is this ganna be the season for whale hunting KEKW
[0:50:32] MetAnomaly: This is the cost of live service (for better or worse)
[0:50:32] battlefrog99: KEKW
[0:50:32] gargamelling: KEKW
[0:50:32] Rishiswaz: @YoMrKnight Forums are the best discussion place for OW/blizz content
[0:50:32] joris0127: KEKW
[0:50:33] Faron93: oh no KEKW
[0:50:33] Dead_MK: LUL
[0:50:33] Aarrayy: KEKW
[0:50:33] SilverBuck: KEKW
[0:50:33] the_real_shoes: KEKW
[0:50:34] chuckyyb: KEKW
[0:50:34] YoinkingYourSR: PepeLaugh time to read takes from bronze mercy mains
[0:50:34] stump_123: lol
[0:50:34] YoMrKnight: LMAOOO
[0:50:34] Standinfire: LOL
[0:50:34] Aarrayy: true
[0:50:34] tinpan9: KEKW
[0:50:34] sledz_z_wody: ............................. FUCK YOURE RIGHT
[0:50:34] flotsam_: KEKW
[0:50:34] aidotheman22: HAHAHA
[0:50:34] demon_tiem: KEKW
[0:50:34] enzieLUL: KEKW
[0:50:35] colonel3bood: KEKW
[0:50:35] gatorade_ch: FUCK SUPPORT PLAYERS
[0:50:35] thepya: KEKW
[0:50:36] JJsky77: KEKW
[0:50:36] Paypega: fuck supports, am I right? PepeHands
[0:50:36] H_Mob: hour long stunlock..not bad
[0:50:36] rougarou__: LUL
[0:50:36] darkslayer0987: KEKW
[0:50:36] KFMjacky: KEKW
[0:50:36] MrYannKee: OMEGALUL
[0:50:37] SaiyanPirate: LUL
[0:50:37] salfalgar: KEKW
[0:50:37] Buizeru: OMEGALUL
[0:50:37] druuzan: LULW
[0:50:37] maxwell300: Rise and grind support players
[0:50:37] neirin: KEKW
[0:50:38] RMXCrossal: Aware
[0:50:38] Cerveza_Santa: KEKW
[0:50:38] Empty26: dafranEh
[0:50:38] Paypega: KEKW
[0:50:39] Pandahashi: SHDJAGHFGKFD
[0:50:39] ScrubL0rdOwO: KEKW
[0:50:39] aDragonEgg: KEKW
[0:50:40] Mafr: KEKW
[0:50:41] omeganaught: cries in ana main :(
[0:50:41] adstrel: KEKW
[0:50:41] FuzzyDF: KEKW
[0:50:41] MrGumby13: KEKW
[0:50:41] cfhurdler142: true
[0:50:42] SaiyanPirate: Lmao
[0:50:42] kazzza2016: KEKW ofc
[0:50:43] Arocoun: KEKW
[0:50:43] sicariusvambrace: KEKW
[0:50:44] gargamelling: Rub our faces in poo
[0:50:44] loonecat: KEKW
[0:50:44] biggitybenn: LMAO
[0:50:45] Empty26: more like sadf
[0:50:45] tylerarch94: XDD
[0:50:47] BackgroundNoizs: LUL GET FUCKED SUPPORTS
[0:50:48] MattEatsMochi: BibleThump
[0:50:48] wilmsn: Good fuck support players
[0:50:48] groganleer: and grinding support is the most miserable role too
[0:50:49] yaboycarn: support players getting rolled
[0:50:49] grugenvids: KEKW
[0:50:50] Ezrabear: meemsOmegalul
[0:50:50] bardocksrage: Play support? PAY UP!
[0:50:51] flotsam_: Corpa somebody needs to support our business
[0:50:53] Paypega: ITS TRAGIC, NOT FUNNY KEKW
[0:50:53] stump_123: KEKW
[0:50:56] WkMirai: and this is why Brig main exist KEKW
[0:50:57] Qu0tile5masher: git frikked lol
[0:51:00] Kallol248: I’m having a blast now I’m throughly entertained KEKW
[0:51:02] gatorade_ch: BECAUSE JAPANESE ANIME CHAR
[0:51:02] Rinelin: it's fucking insulting, that's what it is
[0:51:04] zzNamttamzz: Furry fee
[0:51:04] DMonkey86: get fucked supports
[0:51:04] SaiyanPirate: TRUE
[0:51:04] A_Vinny: F, now that you mentioned it
[0:51:04] Baaron_Nox: gota pay for the furry
[0:51:06] neirin: supports love pain
[0:51:08] Mjsfusion: support players Corpa
[0:51:09] ELROY7: Right??
[0:51:10] apple_seed19: Corpa
[0:51:10] joris0127: LULW
[0:51:12] neonsky9: @A_Seagull you think they wont put soujourn and junker queen in the pass Clueless
[0:51:13] rowdydown: how do we know she's the only one behind the paywall? JQ/Soj might be also
[0:51:13] Omortus: That's why this makes this feel like a last-minute scummy decision to pad the battle pass, entice players to buy the premium.
[0:51:14] M_Chops: Has someone answered this? If you take a season off with a new character on the battlepass, is there some way to get them after the fact?
[0:51:15] Paypega: BECAUSE WAIFU Paypega
[0:51:16] Niko__bellik__: KEKW
[0:51:16] flubbed99: Corpa fuck them supports
[0:51:16] thepoxygon: LUL
[0:51:16] Buizeru: Furry Fee OMEGALUL
[0:51:16] Dreoni: nah nah queen will be paid also yup
[0:51:17] Arocoun: begone KEKW
[0:51:18] Alegnowar: Corpa supprts player are 10% morer likely to pay
[0:51:19] RMXCrossal: support blizzard's wallet Corpa
[0:51:19] Helixier: y put out game if no make money
[0:51:19] enzieLUL: YOU seagEVIL
[0:51:19] soloq_enjoyer: In the war between support mains and blizzard there are no heros
[0:51:20] vplinus: beta bitches get to pay
[0:51:23] apple_seed19: Corpa 📈 demand