Shocked Gmart

Twitch clip created by TheArgentGod for channel Gmart while playing game The Quarry on June 11, 2022, 6:38 am. This clips is a popular clip for Gmart.

Clipped by TheArgentGod on June 11, 2022, 6:38 am

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[7:15:08] bloodvinder: JESUS
[7:15:10] DirtyPotato: HOLY SHTi
[7:15:11] terribleusername: Pog
[7:15:11] BadHorus: WELP
[7:15:12] Bronst_: whoa
[7:15:13] Flanders125: lolol
[7:15:13] keirahawklight: HOLY FUCK
[7:15:13] DaJMasta: whelp
[7:15:14] Tarrasso: HOLY SHIT
[7:15:14] SofaKingCovin: Pog
[7:15:14] usefulidiot316: gottem
[7:15:14] ZandBamBo: monkaS
[7:15:15] excalibrations: WHAT IS GOING ON
[7:15:15] Kerran_Lionward: holy moly
[7:15:15] FleedleDeedle0: BRO
[7:15:15] RabidCannon: HOLY FUCK
[7:15:15] howlingmoon_: POG
[7:15:17] cringebasedman: YEAH
[7:15:17] kyatus1: Holy
[7:15:17] pizzzaouttathewater: damnnb
[7:15:17] allball102: OHNO
[7:15:17] Rave_Digger: MAMA MIA
[7:15:17] Lewtskie: GMART
[7:15:17] annatar44: that was something
[7:15:18] skippio2: monkaS
[7:15:19] mrpalmer1: Ok
[7:15:19] Flanders125: that lady was asken for it
[7:15:20] SophisticHades: mamma dead
[7:15:20] Bitty_Boxx: ?????
[7:15:21] Ratmut: God damn, alright
[7:15:21] Demiie: Dude what
[7:15:21] Dozyderp: OK THEN
[7:15:21] bloodvinder: ALRIGHT NOW T-MONEY WILL KILL YOU
[7:15:21] Inqandescent: what
[7:15:21] Doombringertrae: Welp that was straight up just murder
[7:15:21] NamelessOne02: Well, that happened
[7:15:22] oleclammers: these people need to start respecting guns
[7:15:23] Endwell: mamma mia
[7:15:23] nakata545: jesus
[7:15:23] Zerom3ga: i don't know what she expected
[7:15:24] pug_lyfe: HahaBall
[7:15:24] Larsbecue: monkaOMEGA
[7:15:24] pizzzaouttathewater: holy shit bro
[7:15:25] GODHlMSELF: Uhh Is that still silver?
[7:15:25] terribleusername: genocide run
[7:15:26] Altairlion: UHM
[7:15:26] Nemesis688: Dont hit A and shoot the cop. Hit A and blast his mother
[7:15:26] Luzahn: here I go murderin again
[7:15:29] RobertoMaybe: so twice we shot someone fighting over a gun gmartSmile
[7:15:30] RumoSenpai: oookaay....
[7:15:32] skippio2: T money 100% murdering you now
[7:15:34] Radishes: Oopsy woopsy!
[7:15:34] IHeartVjj: she gotta reload now right?
[7:15:34] aka_Rocketter: Rip bozo
[7:15:38] redpotato15: monkaS j-just a scratch surely