Sym on prox

Twitch clip created by kidandenvy for channel TeePee while playing game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II on November 9, 2022, 6:01 pm. This clips is a popular clip for TeePee.

Clipped by kidandenvy on November 9, 2022, 6:01 pm

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[9:52:57] kwcent88: @megapop Amen
[9:52:57] riu1990: hear mason again
[9:52:57] 007_Sentinel: You watch Shm do it! 120 meters.
[9:52:57] StreamElements: | New merch store is now LIVE! powered by @Represent |
[9:52:58] hargydon: Sniperzone lol
[9:52:59] jawbone314: Devs fucked this game up
[9:52:59] Foote900: Its gonna have to be APEX 3-2-1
[9:53:00] iAmMrClxtch: Joe should put the webcam closer
[9:53:01] itsraaawwrrr: sniping gonna be a lot more viable
[9:53:02] spxdess_: Mags ruin the guns
[9:53:03] kush06: LMFAO
[9:53:03] pet_velociraptor: long range you probably wont
[9:53:04] Apathy: lmao
[9:53:04] Peensa: LMAO
[9:53:06] riu1990: prob under the bridge
[9:53:06] GreenBassGuy: LUL LUL LUL LUL
[9:53:08] xReaper2_: KEKWlaugh
[9:53:08] AntiVirus93: hes near them ...
[9:53:08] adaryanj: They are gonna be unusable at range😭
[9:53:10] dagreenbasterrd: How do attachments work
[9:53:10] Laceup_: lol chaos
[9:53:10] Jelly_Beanz87: Weapon tune for recoil?
[9:53:11] iStocks: Seriously.. that was a perfect snipe and he only full cracked the guy @teepee
[9:53:11] wyattharris4444: syms running below the bridge
[9:53:13] zeroc989: yeah its a sniper game
[9:53:14] cexvy: I believe they're below
[9:53:15] Apathy: i think LMGs are going to be good
[9:53:17] Foote900: gonna have to 3-2-1 people
[9:53:18] fatkiidx: It's so far away LUL
[9:53:18] Sibble7: i'm pretty sure you have breads stream unmuted no?
[9:53:21] boxofcheezits1: Sym and Bread are right below them under the bridge
[9:53:21] Foote900: comms +++
[9:53:21] Nick26u: prox cchat is always live
[9:53:22] Eric_The_Red97: feels like all the gunfights unless your in a POI is 100m+
[9:53:22] bolts2thecup: nah tim’s screwed with this fall damage lol
[9:53:23] pretters20: LUL they were right on top of each other that whole time
[9:53:23] DrilldoBaggins2: snipezone
[9:53:24] hekkiiii: Maybe from huskers
[9:53:25] itsraaawwrrr: its sym lmao the kids the loudest out of everyone there
[9:53:25] CBJ_4_LYFE: Once the game comes out the lobbies won't be as stacked so there will actually be cqc
[9:53:26] SjDaSauceGod: coach teep?
[9:53:27] SlickRick914: gonna be a sniper/smg meta loadout for sure
[9:53:28] SalvoSubs: @jawbone314 i blame the exec's
[9:53:29] steakandbake420: warzone looks lit
[9:53:29] N4rdo3: dude ducked his bullet
[9:53:31] ElementTwisted: prox chat is chaos LUL
[9:53:34] G4mb1txx: KEKW I can’t wait to fuck with people on prox chat