
Twitch clip created by kapacitans for channel DansGaming while playing game The Mortuary Assistant on October 31, 2022, 4:09 pm. This clips is a popular clip for DansGaming.

Clipped by kapacitans on October 31, 2022, 4:09 pm

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[16:43:50] twinspirit: It's the storm outside danKappa
[16:43:52] burritolord_: spirit orbs monkaS
[16:43:54] ATopHatCat: Pay your electric bills then
[16:43:55] phalanaxus: Shon
[16:43:57] wiggle_everytime_boop: no danJulia
[16:43:57] duppin: danS
[16:43:58] Zirlas: danPanic
[16:43:59] yrvengalied: btw Dan the Halloween Patch lowers the scare events from happening
[16:43:59] LRonHoover: danNope
[16:43:59] ash138_: @Kennaay danD
[16:43:59] kolppi: LUL
[16:43:59] Eurynomos_92: danS
[16:43:59] Psychoword: danS
[16:43:59] Stillma7ic: danOMG
[16:43:59] FieldMedic4077: oh HELL NO danS
[16:44:00] Br0ark: Stare
[16:44:00] angelroundtrip: OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP
[16:44:00] saimo50: monkaS
[16:44:00] NordESA: danKEK
[16:44:00] HellfarGaming: LOL
[16:44:00] MissNooki: danS
[16:44:00] KnuCkerr: Dickus Bigus
[16:44:00] procyon_mfc: LUL
[16:44:01] Kenshiro_backhand: danPanic
[16:44:01] xXKarkyXx: Hell na
[16:44:01] XxTippoxX: danS danS
[16:44:01] Droppz: danS
[16:44:02] fartbarter69: danS danS danS
[16:44:02] Traine1995: Stare
[16:44:02] yrvengalied: Mr Whitel LUL
[16:44:03] HotFireZ: danPanic
[16:44:03] TheUntoldWanderer: LUL
[16:44:03] TheKittenJedi: fuckin coworkers
[16:44:03] Banelinq_II: danS danS
[16:44:03] dunbuddy: LUL
[16:44:03] ShabbyFrame: wtf no
[16:44:03] TheNotoriousLion: KEKW the mimic
[16:44:03] ouss1: danS
[16:44:03] moxxzor: danKEK danC
[16:44:03] SolusBellator: it's just the storm brother danKappa
[16:44:03] Xteamer: danKEK
[16:44:04] Stillma7ic: danOMG danOMG danOMG danOMG danOMG
[16:44:04] Tuskaton: monkaS
[16:44:04] Friedrichballoune: dear lord XD
[16:44:04] Obbamajaros: danS
[16:44:04] pefurb: hi
[16:44:04] Celebrim1: ?
[16:44:04] Gl0wSticks: danHuh
[16:44:04] SKYfalling0024: WutFace
[16:44:04] chillcat: danS
[16:44:04] Sloaks: danS the fuck
[16:44:05] LUCIFER_RA: bruh danS
[16:44:05] oh_helll_no: fuck that
[16:44:05] yrvengalied: LUL
[16:44:05] Quoctopus: OH my god I saw it danS
[16:44:05] michimiszel: Stare
[16:44:06] Georgia_Peachyy: danPanic danPanic danPanic
[16:44:06] hobiandhis7boyfriends: MAMA MIA
[16:44:06] mistercustard_: danPanic
[16:44:07] Bearyman: holy....
[16:44:07] Livianna: o-o
[16:44:07] Traine1995: barbStare
[16:44:07] LEPER_MESSI4H: danNope
[16:44:07] poggoli: danS
[16:44:08] oh_helll_no: hellllll no!
[16:44:08] WeAreALLhuman: WutFace
[16:44:08] john_wicks_beagle: holy danS
[16:44:08] mostsocial: Thats just not cool
[16:44:09] D3Kurisu: missed it
[16:44:09] yrvengalied: that was Creepy
[16:44:09] BehemothTyrant: danPanic danPanic danPanic danPanic
[16:44:09] ChaosCom: danS But Dan, the lights AREN'T flickering ... I've been watching the whole time
[16:44:10] whoadudelikewow: danEye danEye2
[16:44:10] twinspirit: Luka Tim WutFace
[16:44:11] mezcalsocal: WutFace
[16:44:11] mab0913: ?? didnt see anything
[16:44:11] kolppi: danLurk
[16:44:11] shewatchesyou: oh damn
[16:44:11] DanSchoening: dansch1Brute
[16:44:12] RandoOnline: danKEK
[16:44:12] SeSuSk: WutFace
[16:44:12] yrvengalied: LUL
[16:44:12] chillcat: danPanic
[16:44:12] xXKarkyXx: danNopers
[16:44:12] TheVinyl_Frontier: lmao wtf was that hahaha
[16:44:12] Smetanol_: WAYTOODANK
[16:44:13] KnuCkerr: danNope danNope
[16:44:13] 21SwiftMan21: god isn't here danCreep
[16:44:13] Criticaldany: NotLikeThis
[16:44:14] SunTempleRadio: danBobble
[16:44:14] Mongo6964: danCult
[16:44:15] ichujun: the mimic danPanic
[16:44:15] Zerosoulreaver: danLurk
[16:44:16] saunabanya: danNope danNope danNope