54 Second Gen w/o toolbox (12 Skill Checks)

Twitch clip created by Kilo_Khan for channel ZubatLEL while playing game Dead by Daylight on September 2, 2022, 7:29 pm. This clips is a popular clip for ZubatLEL.

Clipped by Kilo_Khan on September 2, 2022, 7:29 pm

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[4:49:46] Zak24: furios yes other builds
[4:49:51] ruffles___: what a nice streamer :)
[4:49:53] theTARNavsky: @what_year_isit I believe just over a year ago
[4:49:57] Skayph: zubDC
[4:49:58] GordoPelota: Outplayed
[4:49:59] kewux_: is that ok asking for what time zone zubat is ?
[4:50:03] LemonCologne_: zubDC
[4:50:03] Bobbb: Outplayed
[4:50:04] SlaptainShwirv: how long before BHVR buffs hyperfocus?
[4:50:05] WHYTEA619: otzRIP otzRIP
[4:50:12] GordoPelota: EZ Clap
[4:50:13] Okunoda: EZ Clap
[4:50:20] vi_vil_vin: EZ
[4:50:21] SummerIceland: Sprite Clap
[4:50:21] ruffles___: EZ
[4:50:24] ruffles___: gamer
[4:50:25] Bobbb: EZ
[4:50:28] Okunoda: EZ HOLY
[4:50:29] GordoPelota: HOOOOOLY
[4:50:30] e_pluribus_shootem: it's okay zubat was hitting goods with detective's hunch for the extra 1% value
[4:50:30] WHYTEA619: WTF
[4:50:31] Zak24: noncha420 was having none of it
[4:50:31] itschelder: EZ
[4:50:33] ompersonation: hooolyyy
[4:50:34] Ike2417: EZ