loba on ohne

Twitch clip created by p1u0 for channel Lobanjicaa while playing game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on July 17, 2022, 3:27 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Lobanjicaa.

Clipped by p1u0 on July 17, 2022, 3:27 pm

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[4:54:54] rohanbengali: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood
[4:54:55] kacper121128: hahah
[4:54:55] Edxrest: SDY OR perfecto mr loba
[4:55:02] bvlnicolae: 6 aces from s1mple and ez map
[4:55:03] kuprisha12134: @neveraos everyone mp9 overpower
[4:55:03] a1mpower_pr: ez4navi
[4:55:04] rohanbengali: lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz
[4:55:04] kenn_lad: ohneW
[4:55:04] SirSavage_The21st: KappaPride
[4:55:09] CaspeR4: A exec?
[4:55:10] eddybicepss: @Kartzuuz yup
[4:55:10] Ez0t: lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz lobaEz lobaLUL lobaLUL lobaLUL lobaLUL lobaLUL lobaLUL lobaLUL
[4:55:11] pleqo49: Lobas mathematic
[4:55:12] helvil_615: @Lobanjicaa simple is millionaire?
[4:55:13] metin189: ahahhahah
[4:55:13] n333dm0ney: wtf :D
[4:55:14] l1en96: wtf is going on
[4:55:15] kuprisha12134: fix mp9 op
[4:55:16] ghoy: HUH
[4:55:16] SemgoTV: AHCNI AHHH
[4:55:19] iamculturee: look at karrygun calls only rush and smoke a