
Twitch clip created by Hulk_Hogan_brotherr for channel LIRIK while playing game Just Chatting on June 17, 2022, 2:26 pm. This clips is a popular clip for LIRIK.

Clipped by Hulk_Hogan_brotherr on June 17, 2022, 2:26 pm

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[2:07:01] Bluemoon17: :O
[2:07:01] aayuaas: monkaW SHIT
[2:07:01] Vrt0x: into the eye monkaW
[2:07:01] Sinner_PT: monkey upstairs?
[2:07:01] Morksol4: INCOMING
[2:07:02] qattall: qattall subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 72 months, currently on a 71 month streak! Share
[2:07:02] Fossabot: qattall just resubscribed for 72 months! lirikH
[2:07:02] dany345love: Sonic boom
[2:07:02] Souleaterboy: damn
[2:07:02] DatSh1tCray_: monkaW godzilla
[2:07:02] Nebulae3: oh boy storm
[2:07:02] smechty: batFR
[2:07:02] boppbippitybup: in the pipe 4x4
[2:07:02] pepega7778: monkaSTEER hold on
[2:07:02] ST_RydeR: looks lie elden ring
[2:07:04] luipadre: Wokege
[2:07:04] Lucostra: SpeedL SPEEDERS SpeedR
[2:07:04] PentaProbe: Wokege
[2:07:04] mikko100: monkaW
[2:07:04] RangerOne993: @LIRIK Fly over Ukraine
[2:07:04] insomniiaq: SpeedL SPEEDERS SpeedR
[2:07:04] Vugen90: halo 6 monkaW
[2:07:05] scoutdone: Pog
[2:07:05] KimoroBlack: MAYDAY MAYDAY
[2:07:05] mr_deepy: Kreygasm
[2:07:05] sleepymerma1d: monkaW
[2:07:05] Ravpage: Wokege
[2:07:06] pandapolygon: SPEEDERS
[2:07:07] ahrii8: monkaW
[2:07:07] letboot: monkaX
[2:07:07] anik_sikder: Pog chills
[2:07:07] markuso: @LIRIK COCKPIT VIEW
[2:07:07] qoilsEee: deadFR
[2:07:07] coffeebinary: monkaW monkaChrist
[2:07:07] hitokirijew: Its reach monkaW
[2:07:07] aayuaas: Wut
[2:07:08] serendippitydoo: monkaW I did not sign up for this
[2:07:08] wsd7: monkaW we forgot
[2:07:08] brewheem: HOLDDD lirikPOG
[2:07:08] 715209: SPEEDERS
[2:07:08] IllyanaLang: HandsUp
[2:07:09] Roozbeh_CE: monkaW monkaW monkaW
[2:07:10] Bluemoon17: monkaS
[2:07:10] Shadowbounty: Wut wtf
[2:07:10] dolce_ratio: shitty elden ring clone
[2:07:10] cp4600: Wut
[2:07:10] mr_dipperly: EZ
[2:07:11] Sevpaii: Timing
[2:07:11] RoddyR3D: sound barrier
[2:07:11] dipset1337: monkaW
[2:07:11] CR0S: Wokege WORLD WAR 3
[2:07:11] dany345love: SONIC BOOOOOOM
[2:07:11] kayse: SPEEDERS
[2:07:12] HellGlow: monkaW
[2:07:12] sohnnyjin: @LIRIK hve u tried the jets
[2:07:12] ithxx: erdcloud
[2:07:12] GodlyTouch: fp pls
[2:07:12] KyneeS_: monkaW
[2:07:13] markuso: TIMING
[2:07:13] ArmedChair: landing on jupiter monkaW
[2:07:13] dhorton12: VALK IN THE PIPE 4x4
[2:07:14] Aquadriel: monkaLaugh
[2:07:14] McCinnamon: music tho
[2:07:14] VR_Viking: Wokege war
[2:07:14] aayuaas: Wokege WAR
[2:07:14] leish0n666: monkaW monkaW monkaW
[2:07:14] BarneyCoopersmith: SpeedL SPEEDERS SpeedR
[2:07:14] JustTheKip: music timing Pog
[2:07:14] KapNo1: for fortnite! Pog
[2:07:14] Treore: monkaChrist
[2:07:14] SkyNexon: oh shit SPEEDERS
[2:07:15] BuToNz: Timing
[2:07:15] klaus__kleber: SPEEDERS comin'in hot
[2:07:15] luipadre: monkaW
[2:07:15] mr_deepy: timing Pog
[2:07:15] SpyCarrot: Timing Pog
[2:07:15] Roxsus: MonkaCRASH
[2:07:15] CannibulCake: SPEEDERS
[2:07:15] merelpandaa: SPEEDERS
[2:07:15] BruTaL_CooKiEz: TIMING monkaW
[2:07:15] MatchlessSoap: timing
[2:07:16] Tyceisright: monkaW
[2:07:16] Ravpage: Wokege NUKE
[2:07:16] SF_Fahad: WutFace
[2:07:16] 守門員: monkaW
[2:07:16] DillonDP: timing LULW
[2:07:16] Fossce: TIMING
[2:07:16] Nokubisan: Pog
[2:07:16] DrinkThis_: GOJIRAAAAA
[2:07:17] mursyideen99: timing Pog
[2:07:17] the7egend: monkaW 󠀀
[2:07:17] SirLawrence_: is that supposed to be thunder?
[2:07:17] essencethieflol: SpeedL SPEEDERS
[2:07:17] jowZu: deadFR
[2:07:17] LimboVibe: THE MUSICC LOL
[2:07:18] ZeoKaixa: Pog
[2:07:18] L4nce21: PepegaBlind
[2:07:18] NYQU1ST_: SPEEDERS 󠀀
[2:07:18] Slavru: Pog
[2:07:18] boppbippitybup: Aliens
[2:07:18] Nvghts: Pog
[2:07:18] Vrt0x: wooow
[2:07:18] Henndo93: Pog
[2:07:18] Kasa21: aaaaaaaaaaaaah
[2:07:19] Flamster: timing LULW
[2:07:19] Roozbeh_CE: Timing POGGERS
[2:07:19] potatoou: the music Pog
[2:07:19] ahrii8: Pog
[2:07:19] davidfiru6: Pog so awesome
[2:07:19] r0xc: monkaSTEER monkaAAA
[2:07:19] Year5000BC: Pog
[2:07:19] dany345love: SONICCCCCC BOOOOM
[2:07:19] kitsune_ss: wow
[2:07:19] sshishirr: hold my hands chat monkaW
[2:07:19] GoldPanda__: Pog holy shit
[2:07:19] RazRokh: Oooooooooh
[2:07:20] essencethieflol: Pog
[2:07:20] ABee995: Pog
[2:07:20] P3t0331: Pog
[2:07:20] Ioading: wow
[2:07:20] OnlyReed: ????
[2:07:20] Fossabot: 3x Pog combo
[2:07:20] abjai: sick music timing
[2:07:20] Exmina_twitch: PogU
[2:07:20] FruitPunchG: Pog
[2:07:20] oceiano_san: One day ill own and join the 3090 squad. lirikFEELS
[2:07:20] IllyanaLang: Pog
[2:07:20] jannevr: monkaW
[2:07:20] aripota_izaly: Pog
[2:07:21] the7egend: Pog
[2:07:21] grimgorgri: WTF
[2:07:21] Spac3_Wizard: Pog
[2:07:21] RiggsTorvak: pea souper
[2:07:21] Adam_V: 1st person !
[2:07:21] iamshichida: POG
[2:07:21] Kreosol: Pog
[2:07:21] ODDtheFool: Pog
[2:07:21] SnowlyTheSnowl: TIMING HOLY FUCK
[2:07:21] Ravpage: Pog
[2:07:22] theaytek: timing POG
[2:07:22] exlxanga: looking for infested
[2:07:22] animake: SpeedL SPEEDERS SpeedR
[2:07:22] Flashx2: Pog WTF
[2:07:22] t3knik: music timig pogggggg
[2:07:22] qozc: holy fuck
[2:07:22] bluunova_: Pog
[2:07:23] Zysin: Pog
[2:07:23] kitsune_ss: this game is insane
[2:07:23] tomwyr_: Pog WTF
[2:07:23] Dulbero: APOCALYPSE
[2:07:23] Tinee3e: Pog
[2:07:23] Keoonik: pog
[2:07:23] JustTheKip: you can do this in VR
[2:07:24] RehabilitatedPotatoFarmer: nice
[2:07:24] Roozbeh_CE: Timing Pog
[2:07:24] jordanman91: wtf
[2:07:24] Gravy_Trader: Insane
[2:07:24] Ciarlito: monkaW
[2:07:24] L4nce21: pog
[2:07:24] Crypod: Clap
[2:07:24] Fossabot: 🇳 🇪 🇼 🇱 🇮 🇸 🇹 CHAT VOTE suggestions: Please Fix The Road / Nemesis: Distress / American Theft 80s / Builder Simulator / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge / Redout 2 / Postal: Brain Damage / Space Beast Terror Fright voteSS OYAB politeCat
[2:07:24] sanjaya98: Pog
[2:07:24] imspikes4real: DAAAAMN
[2:07:24] JonnyL: Pog
[2:07:25] SkyNexon: Pog
[2:07:25] MahDewd: Pog
[2:07:25] bakedgoods_87: Pog
[2:07:25] xxplicitt: Timing POGGERS
[2:07:25] KyneeS_: WTF
[2:07:25] Fossabot: 4x Pog combo
[2:07:25] Aquadriel: is just clouds KEKW
[2:07:25] IchWinchester: Pog
[2:07:25] f0oman: lol
[2:07:25] banana1v: WTF
[2:07:25] Jenz0o: Pog
[2:07:25] Ravpage: POGGERS
[2:07:26] m2so4: timing wtf LPPM
[2:07:26] Dichael: wtfg
[2:07:26] Chris093: that looks insane Pog
[2:07:26] mercensis: Pog
[2:07:26] tomwyr_: Pog DUDE
[2:07:26] grimgorgri: this game looks UNREAL
[2:07:26] markisking_tv: WTF
[2:07:26] Saintner: Pog
[2:07:26] Nvghts: god damn
[2:07:26] SpyCarrot: JESUS!!!!
[2:07:26] 00nola: BatChest CHILLS
[2:07:26] mr_deepy: Pog
[2:07:26] Ottercleo: wtf
[2:07:26] JPili: Pog ?????
[2:07:30] fokacola: Pog
[2:07:30] Flashx2: Holy shit Pog
[2:07:30] DevL13: Pog
[2:07:30] tomwyr_: Pog wtf
[2:07:30] mille_______: Pog
[2:07:30] Roreo_: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
[2:07:30] jamlamz: Pog
[2:07:30] Bsideclear: earth
[2:07:30] Alkemia: wow
[2:07:30] Fossabot: 6x Pog combo!! SeemsGood
[2:07:30] anik_sikder: lirikFR
[2:07:30] HellGlow: Pog holy
[2:07:30] SpyCarrot: WTF!!!!!
[2:07:30] argenys: bruh
[2:07:30] Shadowbounty: WTFDUDE PogT
[2:07:31] etalsnart: LPPM
[2:07:31] mursyideen99: Pog
[2:07:31] TheOrange_13th: Pog
[2:07:31] Ioading: DUUUUUDDDDEEE
[2:07:31] t3knik: THAT WAS SICK
[2:07:31] mikko100: AngelThump
[2:07:31] sohnnyjin: Pog WTFFFF
[2:07:31] Red_Hermit: oh damn
[2:07:31] PrenzoMenzo: shen long incoming Pog
[2:07:31] momofreak3011: Pog
[2:07:31] VasiflessKedi: Pog
[2:07:31] aayuaas: Pog HOLLY
[2:07:31] essencethieflol: AngelThump
[2:07:31] f0oman: screen shot
[2:07:31] Ninput: WOWERS
[2:07:32] Nebulae3: hurricane next
[2:07:32] Tinee3e: Kreygasm DAHM
[2:07:32] Spazzy_Magee: Pog
[2:07:32] Crocki: Pog
[2:07:32] YourWhale: Pog
[2:07:32] methodyr: Pog
[2:07:33] dogvipero: RTX ON Pog
[2:07:33] ABee995: Pog wtf
[2:07:33] catf1sh89: PogT
[2:07:33] 715209: Pog
[2:07:33] Shmoz: Pog
[2:07:33] Ravpage: W Pog W
[2:07:33] QQProPoro: lirikPOG
[2:07:33] tomwyr_: Pog Clap
[2:07:33] V1ns0n1116: Pog
[2:07:33] Leo_DaFishy: INSANE
[2:07:34] AgrikTD: Pog
[2:07:34] Edies: sick
[2:07:34] BruTaL_CooKiEz: HOLY SHIT
[2:07:34] Crypod: wallpaper material
[2:07:34] Schokomo_: holy Pog
[2:07:34] Empify: sheeeeesh
[2:07:34] Vugen90: damn
[2:07:34] Purple__Snakes: HOLY SHITT
[2:07:34] PontChar: chills Pog
[2:07:34] How3lldaddy: Pog
[2:07:34] anik_sikder: Pog
[2:07:34] ithxx: Pog
[2:07:34] Khalmo: Pog
[2:07:34] papa_pudding: Pog
[2:07:35] Xolyyy: WTF
[2:07:35] intergalactic93: I just came
[2:07:35] Ciarlito: Pog
[2:07:35] kayse: HOLY
[2:07:35] kitsune_ss: need 4090 holy shit
[2:07:35] brewheem: Pog
[2:07:35] BipedalBadger: Damn Pog
[2:07:35] pandapolygon: AngelThump
[2:07:35] smechty: batFR
[2:07:35] copypastathisnamekappa: Pog
[2:07:35] moremn: Pog insane
[2:07:35] 2k_koko: Ooof
[2:07:35] Darksparkh: thats why this game is so good
[2:07:36] Stoney253: Pog
[2:07:36] Keldaal: Pog holy
[2:07:36] CannibulCake: AngelThump
[2:07:36] AnarchistQ: it is
[2:07:36] venoxx11: Pog
[2:07:36] HiRez: holy shit
[2:07:36] tomwyr_: Pog holy
[2:07:36] akash_6191: Pog
[2:07:37] sticknotfrikk: POG
[2:07:37] blackjerbera: Kreygasm
[2:07:37] SpyCarrot: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
[2:07:37] Bsideclear: sunshine
[2:07:37] jamlamz: CHILLS CHILLS CHILLS
[2:07:37] Bighette: Pog
[2:07:37] jinxy1985: Pog
[2:07:37] venoxx11: OOOOFF
[2:07:37] c60_Jam: moon2POG
[2:07:38] Hulk_Hogan_brotherr: i came
[2:07:38] JustTheKip: now do it in VR
[2:07:38] Pastorei: Kreygasm
[2:07:38] klem_hm: wtff
[2:07:38] HardcoreLurk3r: Pog
[2:07:38] BadCoyoteFunky: CHILLS
[2:07:38] Sir_Magnetron: Star Citizen killer
[2:07:38] aayuaas: Pog HOOOOOLLLLLLY
[2:07:38] sapior: Pog
[2:07:38] markisking_tv: Kreygasm
[2:07:39] Twelve15: awesome
[2:07:39] murksi: Thanks PepeFlushed
[2:07:39] cismol: lirikOSVN
[2:07:39] fmcbarreto: Pog
[2:07:39] Fossabot: Lirik missed your resub? Check out the #resubs channel: - he will see it there! lirikCAPPY
[2:07:40] lil_bills: sick
[2:07:40] leish0n666: WTFPogPogPog
[2:07:40] Jemmyt: BEtter than Starfield !
[2:07:40] tomwyr_: Pog
[2:07:40] jupesux: Kreygasm
[2:07:40] MoJo_5678: HOOLY
[2:07:40] imdonneywiththefunny: best clouds hand down
[2:07:40] LagerfeuerStories: ive never seen anything like this damn
[2:07:40] mantis__toboggan__: HolyShit
[2:07:40] Grindpapii: Pog the way to paradise
[2:07:40] Mungadungalis: Engage the hyperdrive
[2:07:41] Desaccorde: Go cockpit Sadge
[2:07:41] xSpiral: Kreygasm
[2:07:41] ThePotatoParamedic: Pog
[2:07:41] rkviz: yep buying the game now
[2:07:41] Mortall: wtf Pog
[2:07:41] Purple__Snakes: HOLY FUCKKKK
[2:07:41] WalmartVirgin: no you
[2:07:42] ynzaen: Clap Clap Clap
[2:07:42] aardvarkian: lirikCozysip
[2:07:42] iammika1999: Kreygasm i cam so hard
[2:07:42] jamlamz: CHILLS CHILLS CHILLZ
[2:07:43] FoXsTeRDOTA: SHIT MAN PogT
[2:07:43] CytoKine_: POg
[2:07:43] FruitPunchG: any wallpaper nerds? Pog
[2:07:43] Initialcode: Stunning :)
[2:07:43] AquaDrakeHD: New Background image
[2:07:43] 佛勒安卓: just play project wingman
[2:07:43] Dr_Jerkey: Pog gawd damn
[2:07:43] sohnnyjin: PEAK GRAPHICS Pog
[2:07:43] Cyferon_: Pog
[2:07:44] JohnBelushi: POGGERS
[2:07:44] Abby_dabby_bear_89: lirikPOG lirikPOG lirikGASM lirikGASM
[2:07:44] Fossabot: 3x Pog combo
[2:07:44] BipedalBadger: That looks insane
[2:07:44] SadPandah: looks terrible in 240p Sadge
[2:07:44] venoxx11: So beautiful
[2:07:45] kalanabdul: @lirik would you fly as a passenger in one of these IRL?
[2:07:45] tomwyr_: Pog oh shit
[2:07:45] RiggsTorvak: obscene
[2:07:45] dogvipero: RTX ON LULW
[2:07:45] ZMAB6761: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
[2:07:45] kiish: ODIN son
[2:07:45] 00nola: BatChest CHILLS 󠀀
[2:07:46] Dichael: That gave me chills lol
[2:07:46] tenecy: DAMN
[2:07:46] VasiflessKedi: Pog 󠀀
[2:07:46] Spazzy_Magee: cum
[2:07:46] BruTaL_CooKiEz: im becoming a pilot
[2:07:46] Fleischwolf_: Pog
[2:07:47] DatSh1tCray_: is this heaven
[2:07:47] jmaxkbitgamer: lirikHAPPY lirikHAPPY lirikHAPPY
[2:07:47] volt4ic: YEP
[2:07:47] coffeebinary: holy experience Kreygasm
[2:07:48] FlashfreezeBuddha: thats screenshot worthy
[2:07:48] mercensis: beautiful
[2:07:48] majesticI2: ok that looked pog ngl LuL
[2:07:48] signalsrn: OMG
[2:07:49] MeatPopsicles: @LIRIK Pause for a second I need a screenshot
[2:07:49] 神眼朱老九: Pog Clap Chillz
[2:07:49] R3Fl3xIllI: Imagine microsoft making a game Pog
[2:07:49] Keoonik: thats why u r the best
[2:07:49] ahmetof61: Wow
[2:07:49] Ravpage: DEVS Pog Clap
[2:07:49] demcuk: FeelsStrongMan
[2:07:49] ryanhartsafr0: PNG clouds LUL
[2:07:49] Origfx: WTF
[2:07:50] empresskildrm: REMINDER you cant do this in STARFIELD btw
[2:07:50] Vrt0x: this is why I play this game PogU
[2:07:50] VasiflessKedi: Pog WTF
[2:07:51] Pauliinho9045: PogChamp
[2:07:51] brut4lmc: i see my house PogU
[2:07:52] kitsune_ss: so beautiful holy
[2:07:52] ADEN0SINE: BatChest CHILLS
[2:07:52] aayuaas: Pog HOLY SHITTTTT
[2:07:52] charlemagne420: pollution makes nice colors
[2:07:52] mr_dipperly: my pc would fry with this KEKW
[2:07:53] SlackAle: SPRAYS HolyShit
[2:07:53] imspikes4real: Clap Microsoft
[2:07:53] jmaxkbitgamer: lirikPOG lirikPOG lirikPOG lirikPOG lirikPOG
[2:07:53] hobo4k: fly into it Pog
[2:07:54] nixieed7: @LIRIK better then Star Citizen ??
[2:07:54] Fossabot: Install FFZ to get BTTV emotes Link: widepeepoHappy AND lirikPOG tantrumFR
[2:07:55] Etendard91: FeelsStrongMan
[2:07:55] jayoverdosed: and thats why this game is like 300 dollars lol
[2:07:55] tacticalsoda: Pog
[2:07:56] kajmel: new wallpaper
[2:07:56] yigit0302: AngelThump
[2:07:56] JayNewk: nice colors
[2:07:56] CR0S: Pog
[2:07:56] ahmetof61: tanburCLAP tanburCLAP tanburCLAP
[2:07:56] Crypod: Freelancer was the shit
[2:07:56] Purple__Snakes: Sky is bleeding
[2:07:56] LCTR_: FeelsStrongMan Clap
[2:07:56] mercensis: PogU
[2:07:56] TheEzALB: cloud dev is on point
[2:07:56] Jackdaniell92: exciting
[2:07:56] baezmejia200: PC GOING TO EXPLODE
[2:07:57] iWALL_E: clear for landing uh copy over
[2:07:57] mamtk: too birght tho
[2:07:57] Ninput: Pog
[2:07:57] KoWoK: that's my house Pog
[2:07:57] Bsideclear: pilot pov
[2:07:57] Extralope: WOW
[2:07:58] Ferrain: go in space
[2:07:58] HiRez: if only real life looked this good Kappa
[2:07:59] Darksparkh: YEP
[2:07:59] NoobAlike: FeelsStrongMan
[2:07:59] leish0n666: !youtube
[2:07:59] Fossabot: tantrumFR Check out my youtube! & check out my latest video: The Revenge - Lirik Highlights# 298 | DayZ - dinkFR
[2:07:59] Imceltic: Pog microsoft CLOUD simulator
[2:07:59] Grosgas: 1person
[2:07:59] rezzzzen: our planet is beautiful FeelsStrongMan
[2:07:59] Gravy_Trader: In VR its the best VR game ive played
[2:08:00] 000000000Machea96: You’re gorgeous