What are you doing warrior of light?

Twitch clip created by chaosaudit for channel Nyxipuff while playing game Final Fantasy XIV Online on July 26, 2022, 4:27 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Nyxipuff.

Clipped by chaosaudit on July 26, 2022, 4:27 pm

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[5:27:09] lilavery__: OMG
[5:27:09] chaosaudit: LM[5:27:10] yullyfish: KL;DFJSKLDFJ;SLKDJGLDKGD
[5:27:10] chaosaudit: da;slk jf ;alksdfj;lkasdjf ;lajkdsf
[5:27:11] Kyu_Ookami: LMAO
[5:27:11] Nick_Nibble: WELP
[5:27:12] chaosaudit: sald;kjf ;lsadkjf ;lkas
[5:27:12] Pankaka__: LMAO
[5:27:13] starazoring: IFIAOSNAKJFHWHS
[5:27:13] Shade_Signet: oh no
[5:27:14] teaton83: LUL
[5:27:14] Flattenedspoon: Nyxipuff
[5:27:15] ladysumi: KEKW
[5:27:15] wait___what_: lkfanhlkshfdkjsdafsfdajksfdaljkfdas
[5:27:15] Kyu_Ookami: OK THEN
[5:27:16] Mewgusta: Bro lol
[5:27:16] CaydeAshe: KEKW
[5:27:17] chaosaudit: LMFAOOOO
[5:27:17] Flattenedspoon: nyxiOHNO
[5:27:18] Polyrhythmz: nothing like getting freaky to cathedral music
[5:27:19] starazoring: NYXIF AKJDKS
[5:27:19] chaosaudit: lkasdjf ;asjdfl;as jdfl;asjdf l;kjasd fl;k
[5:27:20] dutchmasterprime: oh no
[5:27:21] Pipotipo: LOL
[5:27:21] lilavery__: NYX NOSDFJOWIEJgwrsvod
[5:27:21] ladysumi: MONKATOS
[5:27:21] Tidesson: BANNED
[5:27:25] Ikkim_: LMAOOOOOOOO
[5:27:26] zur5: WHAT
[5:27:27] ggGamer93: OH god
[5:27:28] nausica_ae: verryLMAO
[5:27:29] SlingshotOcelot: LMAOOOOO
[5:27:29] Avl521: OH GOD NO
[5:27:30] lilavery__: NYX IS BANNED
[5:27:30] Helldemon83: LUL
[5:27:32] thepresenterv: what the fuck