Roy Rap

Twitch clip created by Kaedalus for channel MightyTeapot while playing game Guild Wars 2 on August 24, 2022, 2:04 pm. This clips is a popular clip for MightyTeapot.

Clipped by Kaedalus on August 24, 2022, 2:04 pm

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[1:40:14] NarniaRaven: they want to kill leader hidden achive
[1:40:15] DukemNukemGaming: transfer to Darkhaven on NA, i need some content to fight
[1:40:18] werdes_: 10 people peepoSad
[1:40:19] plebian_xv: lmao
[1:40:20] gerchak: GW2 Servers are made of freaking steel
[1:40:23] juudstoburger: so many viewers PogO
[1:40:23] Nardosson: R TriHard Y
[1:40:27] Asypheir: Roy.exe
[1:40:27] anniematie: lololol
[1:40:28] big_deekz: LETS GOOOOO :D :D:D:
[1:40:28] pickeledcucumbers01: @clickrecord my gosh you’re right
[1:40:29] Spinerek: roy leading FeelsStrongMan
[1:40:30] Sumatakso: WAYTOODANK
[1:40:30] MisterDat: lol 5x speed XD
[1:40:31] reebeats: eminem ?
[1:40:31] justsam_official: O.O
[1:40:31] plebian_xv: TriHard
[1:40:32] GodsFourthCousin: RAP GOD ROY
[1:40:32] LogosMisspath: xD
[1:40:32] ValiantSalad: auctioneer!!!! lol
[1:40:32] Startrix29: k
[1:40:32] VerdeSol3: DDOTC?
[1:40:33] robpurpura: AUCTIONEERRRR
[1:40:34] SmokingCharrius: this stream should be 40K if it was English #sadge
[1:40:34] Incerix: ROY GIGACHAD
[1:40:34] Psilosynesthesia: Football announcer
[1:40:34] SgtHelium: WAYTOODANK
[1:40:34] StrikeLatam: RAP GOD Pog
[1:40:34] xephhiro: gongo
[1:40:35] kamui_11: lmao
[1:40:35] somniantis_: KEKW
[1:40:35] ThreeOSix: Kreygasm
[1:40:36] cdak1991: We're having an auction? LUL
[1:40:36] Genilort: LUL
[1:40:36] futa_gwen_enjoyer: RAP GOD
[1:40:36] BoonBomb: WAYTOODANK
[1:40:36] MrMirror: A-net Dev have any idea how terrible PvP and WvW experience?
[1:40:36] N0CAPES: LOL
[1:40:36] EnryanGryphos: RAP GOD
[1:40:36] alana0328: Roy's so goid
[1:40:36] stagomon: Pog
[1:40:37] bound006: Roy leading FeelsStrongMan
[1:40:37] orophia: ppOverheat
[1:40:37] pipperonni: DAMN
[1:40:37] brotherxiao: R O Y R A P G O D
[1:40:37] xephhiro: yes
[1:40:38] RheylinSark: SOLD!
[1:40:38] larrykm: WHAT IS THIS AN AUCTION
[1:40:38] b1gfish__: WAYTOODANK ROY
[1:40:39] justsam_official: dang, peak commanding!
[1:40:39] Nantripp: RAPGOD
[1:40:39] happyfirebrandgirl: Holy Anet raid lead LUL
[1:40:39] kawazuchi: APES STRONG TOGETHER!!!!
[1:40:39] x4mp_: GOGOGOGOGOG
[1:40:40] anniematie: what is he saying
[1:40:40] SpRinG7z: RAP GOD XD
[1:40:40] keverbloom: gosh I love wvw
[1:40:40] IlKazu: crazy :D
[1:40:40] hotandmessy: Pog
[1:40:40] ArenaNet_DoubleTap: ROY RAP GOD Pog
[1:40:41] Facetrollwakfu: Pog Rap God
[1:40:41] gerchak: ROY IS BACK BOYS
[1:40:41] tatersk8er: Auctioneer over here
[1:40:41] Epicsapphire1988: thats come tigh shit !
[1:40:41] lord_ht: LUL
[1:40:41] xephhiro: woooo
[1:40:42] moonstoneship: now
[1:40:43] MrModius: HOLY MOLY
[1:40:43] monica_duh: tpotRare tpotRare tpotRare tpotRare
[1:40:43] thugg1: tpotRare tpotRare tpotRare tpotRare tpotRare
[1:40:43] Pleiadian88: sooooold
[1:40:43] napierquinn: Chatting
[1:40:43] justsam_official: ROY POG
[1:40:43] secretskritt: EZ FARM
[1:40:43] Absinthe_Green: Yo!
[1:40:43] stagomon: WVW COMMANDING
[1:40:43] whiteeewolf: ROY Pog
[1:40:44] MrModius: LUL
[1:40:44] mistressnevaeh: Oh no... I had twitch open for hours last night... I didn't realize I had to redeem one before it'd let me do the next
[1:40:44] StrikeLatam: WAYTOODANK
[1:40:44] spoony_b4rd: WAYTOODANK
[1:40:44] plebian_xv: Pog POGGERS
[1:40:45] ducksoul1712: RAPGOD ROY
[1:40:45] KingJakew: Pog
[1:40:45] raulnor516: Whooo that comm speak
[1:40:45] BlueberryPy: Pog
[1:40:45] Dotveg: Turned into an auction house within a second
[1:40:46] asstralee: RPHOJUREOIHJEROh HE HAD ME DEAD
[1:40:46] Arcalas_RD: This is how WvW is yo no lie
[1:40:47] lord_ht: FAIR FIGHT
[1:40:47] moonstoneship: woo
[1:40:47] Deadlynk6489: PEAK GAMEPLAY
[1:40:47] herumgeisterer: WICKEDSTEER
[1:40:48] uwuBangg: LMAOO
[1:40:48] YellowFlashTheHokage: ppOverheat
[1:40:48] somniantis_: catJAM
[1:40:48] valkeerye: Kappa
[1:40:48] Led0mat: rigged fights! :P
[1:40:48] Razleia: CLEAVE!!
[1:40:49] Chainsberg: Pog ROY Pog
[1:40:49] alevyn: wow he sounds like an aucioneer lol
[1:40:49] Psilosynesthesia: RAP GOD
[1:40:49] DARKUS_LU: Why does he sound like a voiceboard
[1:40:50] Thelordhelseth: YO WHAT THE ACTUAL F IS THIS VIEWRSHIP
[1:40:50] scales_23: Roy GIGACHAD
[1:40:50] plebian_xv: PogChamp
[1:40:51] KingJakew: Roy <3
[1:40:51] Ayudym: POG COMS
[1:40:51] Imchat79: 1 2 3 SOLD
[1:40:51] MithranArkanere: THat spanish soccer announcer energy.
[1:40:51] tatersk8er: DO WE GOT 100?! 150?! SOLD
[1:40:51] Xaron_Ice: A W E S O M E
[1:40:52] sirfrostybeard: WICKEDSTEER
[1:40:52] le_dollerz: ROYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOY
[1:40:53] frankthedsigner: ROY POG
[1:40:53] Deichgraf17: Moin!
[1:40:54] littleJLN44: former life as an auctioneer
[1:40:54] Magnarn1: RAP GOD
[1:40:54] robpurpura: STRONG TOGETHER STACK AND WIN
[1:40:54] rahnikk1: OMGGGGGGGGG
[1:40:54] m3g4l4d0n_fr3nzy: good lord that is a fast talker
[1:40:55] cleruian: Heyo, came here as I heard from Mukluk you gonna front page today, have a great day Teapot!
[1:40:55] Kupper82: That's Anet ROYBOY to you
[1:40:55] VerdeSol3: they are small?
[1:40:55] jdemonify: CLIP THAT !! CLIP
[1:40:56] InvisibleRoger: EMINEM
[1:40:56] Albedo_1: GW2 Servers never have downtime, it's a software marvel
[1:40:56] bluebirdshug: How many cups of coffee does this require lol?
[1:40:56] bound006: RAP GOD
[1:40:57] viihhfranco: POOOOOGG
[1:40:57] Zhaeph: I have no idea what the guy is saying LUL
[1:40:57] NolawarthonDuon: push push
[1:40:58] mercsmd: ROYminem Pog
[1:40:58] fallingchuckles: P R O F E S S I O N A L
[1:40:59] gerchak: ENEMY IS SMOL
[1:40:59] justsam_official: and that's why we love WvW <3
[1:40:59] ImCringee: Wicked
[1:41:00] angrylefttoe: all those bags aaaahhhhhhh