Twitch clip created by SlackMuffin for channel Ceremor while playing game DayZ on July 14, 2022, 7:02 am. This clips is a popular clip for Ceremor.

Clipped by SlackMuffin on July 14, 2022, 7:02 am
Ceremor playing DayZ

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[10:03:43] The_Angry_Wookiee: Bring back .55
[10:03:49] Gille: ty MILFLORDSTEVE
[10:03:58] longlivedobby09: So could you explain the difference between legacy and vanilla? I’ve never even heard of legacy before and I’m just curious!
[10:04:04] finalmikey: imagine being ceremore's neighbour / cellmate 😁
[10:04:08] popeadope: !legacy
[10:04:08] Nightbot: The legacy gunplay mod replicates the weapon mechanics that DayZ used prior to the new player controller. Heavier weapons have more inertia when swinging to aim. Hipfire is no longer a laser beam when firing full auto. ADSing is slightly slower. Recoil is more impactful.
[10:04:12] MXAWAY: adamcrookHi
[10:04:17] SupeGuy: Dino where ?
[10:04:17] rjallday77: !legacy
[10:04:20] Dezouro: lmao
[10:04:20] qdazzarus: LMAO
[10:04:21] SlackMuffin: Hahahahahaha
[10:04:22] SlackMuffin: TRIPLE
[10:04:23] holliedayz: smoketvPog smoketvPog smoketvPog
[10:04:24] cp__milans: HAHAHAHA
[10:04:24] squaremor: hahaha
[10:04:25] ViolentDecay: wtf
[10:04:26] F_i_d_0: sweet
[10:04:26] qdazzarus: amazing
[10:04:26] Dunskees: LUL
[10:04:27] ViolentDecay: lol
[10:04:29] xXToxicWastedXx: KEKW
[10:04:31] ViolentDecay: no fucking shot
[10:04:32] crispicus_: chefs kiss
[10:04:36] F_i_d_0: 7 or 8 there?