Zywoo Smoke

Twitch clip created by arag0rn__ for channel Lobanjicaa while playing game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on July 6, 2022, 12:07 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Lobanjicaa.

Clipped by arag0rn__ on July 6, 2022, 12:07 pm

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[5:27:59] pawelekhehe: loba finishes in 10seconds
[5:28:01] StreamElements: Visit my new site http://lobanjica.net/ and follow for free my workout plan, meal plan and daily vods. As well as please check out my affiliates to support me, this is the best way to help me out with my stream.
[5:28:03] vibegambino: why u eont play on World Championships @lobanjicaa
[5:28:11] grilex98: pog
[5:28:13] YellowKenny: WTF
[5:28:14] malashnikov: ahahahahahhahahahaah
[5:28:15] johnsooooon: nerd
[5:28:16] a4thu4123: WTF
[5:28:16] andreim999: WTF WAS THAT SMOKE
[5:28:16] bigboy191911919: noooooooooooooo
[5:28:18] fightback98: WTF bro
[5:28:18] parano0id_: lobaW0w lobaW0w lobaW0w lobaW0w lobaW0w
[5:28:18] de3koo: POGGERS
[5:28:21] 1eotrim: wtf