
Twitch clip created by Iserag for channel Drututt while playing game League of Legends on August 22, 2022, 2:17 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Drututt.

Clipped by Iserag on August 22, 2022, 2:17 pm

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[2:37:06] vladi2900: RIOT but hes a hardchamp RIOT
[2:37:07] hu_mz: @lAlirezal congratulations
[2:37:07] oscarinom: botlane score PepeLaugh
[2:37:08] cecebae_: i love laning agaisnt azir sylas mkdevery game
[2:37:09] LSDisnotadrug: @Drututt Is Serbia in tournament ?
[2:37:11] AntoineVelour: @masterbeni99 winrate andy
[2:37:11] fortnitemaciek2137: moc azira RIOT
[2:37:11] Shanyu6130: adc dps with a 1k dmg aoe burst combo thats near undodgable RIOT
[2:37:12] personfromyesterday: @NINA_N5O HmmClueless
[2:37:13] niedzwiedz7802: same as gp
[2:37:13] gooby_reformed2: xD
[2:37:15] LilTugz1337: XDDDDDD
[2:37:17] Zusume_: XD
[2:37:18] kejzi___: its azir in vys hands
[2:37:20] racistjrkgkgkgkf: xD
[2:37:20] Evannss: Pro
[2:37:21] LilTugz1337: ale glupoty pierdolisz
[2:37:21] deIarium: Pro
[2:37:22] showbob69_: @Drututt are you excited for worlds?
[2:37:23] IceSworx: ye
[2:37:23] kaszalociq: Trolleg
[2:37:23] skardak1: Pro
[2:37:24] bablafleg2137: @Drututt she is gold
[2:37:25] kojros1: @Drututt g2*
[2:37:25] digonl: pro
[2:37:25] lAlirezal: Pro
[2:37:25] kbotp: Shes gold player
[2:37:26] imagoat1345: Pro
[2:37:26] Swedish_Expert: Pro
[2:37:26] stargazze_r: play sex botlane
[2:37:26] Elba_rs: Pro
[2:37:28] eliesn05: Pro
[2:37:29] pispino: Pro
[2:37:29] Adversus0105: Pro
[2:37:29] digonl: Pro
[2:37:30] yn2oo1: SpittinFax
[2:37:30] whyth0ugh0: Pro
[2:37:30] sprzeglotenkozak: would you pick defles? he is an adc in rybson's team @Drututt
[2:37:31] kaguer909: she is i think so
[2:37:31] bipolar_bearr: my fav thing is these champs have 1000 dashes yet manage to hit like a melee bruiser
[2:37:32] yn2oo1: Pro
[2:37:33] LodomirPrezydentArktyki: simp alarm
[2:37:35] yagpatry: because she's noty playing actual adc? KEKW
[2:37:37] LodomirPrezydentArktyki: tf tf
[2:37:38] nyloniarz: pretty 😳
[2:37:38] niemiaszek: i love nieuczesana Pog
[2:37:40] danniferf: Pro
[2:37:41] ceilin1: gragas daje rade :tf:
[2:37:42] brokkolean: kocham cje @Drututt
[2:37:44] xstormskyressx: @Drututt did you ever consider going LCS/LEC like pro play ?
[2:37:45] FXRKarami: why are you not playing twitch rivals @Drututt
[2:37:46] kejzi___: she is terrible
[2:37:47] Neron189: stop being simp
[2:37:47] oscarinom: respect woman chat stopbeingMean
[2:37:47] pKaskar: stopbeingMean
[2:37:51] Zusume_: Pro living
[2:37:51] deathrg556: @drututt would you call LS for tmr?
[2:37:53] arufa: stopbeingMean