cabbage time

Twitch clip created by Bloggus1225 for channel sips_ while playing game Overwatch 2 on November 14, 2022, 10:10 am. This clips is a popular clip for sips_.

Clipped by Bloggus1225 on November 14, 2022, 10:10 am

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[4:14:05] RabidCowolf: Ah that's what happened
[4:14:06] waterboy_tv_: unlucky
[4:14:10] SamuelVega505: Smadge
[4:14:11] e_a912: The bots are in the house
[4:14:15] Falcore828: Loo
[4:14:15] FireyFly: wow, that was really stupid
[4:14:15] sleepmaster1011: really good timing from her
[4:14:17] duckers__: YAPP but Madge
[4:14:19] waterboy_tv_: def wasnt on purposde
[4:14:22] naylooor: my heart hurts for that shatter, dad
[4:14:25] Chronoes: well, it was probably accidental
[4:14:26] SamuelVega505: KEKW lmaooo
[4:14:26] Bloggus1225: KEKW
[4:14:26] LordMaHuD: She didn't do it on purpose, it was luck
[4:14:27] Bluexpheonix212: shes just throwing it on cooldown ngl
[4:14:28] ProfRapsy: lol
[4:14:29] storm991: LUL LUL
[4:14:30] RobboUK: LUL
[4:14:31] ClownBaby87: LuL
[4:14:33] dot_rich: OMEGALUL
[4:14:34] LordMaHuD: her E was already down before you shattered
[4:14:34] meehan_magic: *sips playing in one of the lowest ranks possible* why are these players bad? sipsChin
[4:14:35] HeckinChonkers: Cabbage can be pretty good DPS
[4:14:35] TheLastDesperado: You'll be matched with different ranks. She's probably a high gold Kiriko.
[4:14:37] ProfRapsy: haha
[4:14:38] duckers__: KEKW
[4:14:38] pooscoo_: sipsFeels
[4:14:40] 7grynth: sez u LUL
[4:14:40] duckers__: sipsLettuce
[4:14:41] Vendria: ROFL
[4:14:41] ParadoxBrad: heal me mercy!
[4:14:41] Dowie_: Naa not a lettuce, Liz Truss Kappa
[4:14:42] Foot_Sandwich: I started just as you ulted
[4:14:42] JarkyBurns: She outlast Truss though tbf
[4:14:42] His_Dudenesses: she was dam boosting you
[4:14:42] Bloggus1225: LUL
[4:14:43] richard_aka_dick: sipsLUL
[4:14:43] awfulplayer: Smadge
[4:14:49] NezumiiroK: LUL
[4:14:50] lowlycalvin: Oh hey @LordMaHuD you here too
[4:14:50] ProfRapsy: the devil's lettuce
[4:14:51] His_Dudenesses: lol
[4:14:52] prod1g1ny: Mercy Truss
[4:14:55] pyroloav: 15k playerbase game already dead LUL