Jerma Teamkills Hasan

Twitch clip created by TheNewGuest for channel Jerma985 while playing game Just Chatting on July 21, 2022, 8:04 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Jerma985.

Clipped by TheNewGuest on July 21, 2022, 8:04 pm

clip chat messagesChat clip commentsComments similar clipsSimilar Clips
[4:00:10] 92tyler: DA FEET
[4:00:11] Elusive_Peanut: !uptime
[4:00:11] Nightbot: Jerma has been live for 4 hours 17 seconds
[4:00:12] violentchimp: Jerma is cracked
[4:00:12] JerryBumblenuts: ROLLED OMEGALUL
[4:00:13] Rice_Auroni: LUL
[4:00:14] catghouls: !drops
[4:00:14] dabsfordinner: jerma can only carry so hard
[4:00:15] orkpeko: (ditto)
[4:00:15] Alx91328: wild to think at least 100k watching the same match rn
[4:00:16] BorpLive: !drop
[4:00:16] GreekerGG: !drop
[4:00:18] taylorisapro: !drop
[4:00:18] dirtydom713: Hassan has 0 recovery skills
[4:00:19] 4starbum: LUL
[4:00:19] abhijaypaul: OMEGALUL
[4:00:19] qyre_: LMAO
[4:00:19] nath_nath_88: LOOOOOL
[4:00:19] famalad: Iron giant๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ
[4:00:20] dankxd23: !drop
[4:00:20] Shadowy_X: KEKW
[4:00:20] SelcChaboi: KEKW
[4:00:20] suddensleepingsickness: OMEGALUL
[4:00:21] Splufay: LMAO
[4:00:21] xRandomYo: OMEGALUL
[4:00:21] splarg_: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] RS_Serperior: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] gufs70: HAHAHAHA
[4:00:22] Marabou_Dude: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] DYNAJ03: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] Captain_Sarcasm21: LUL
[4:00:22] slywendy: OMEGALUL THE ROCKET
[4:00:22] real_anime_hours: LOL
[4:00:22] Tobit0_: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] fritzinthehouse: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] duckhawksoup: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] nzaine: OMEGALUL HAHAHAHA
[4:00:22] Cornjeebus: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] novazzz525: OMEGALUL
[4:00:22] tatertotties: JERMA
[4:00:22] Evan___M: LMAOOO
[4:00:23] Nedleyg: LMFAO
[4:00:23] Ioop_zoop: OMEGALUL
[4:00:23] DonDeTrillo: OMEGALUL WHAT
[4:00:23] nazzoh: HAHAHAHAH
[4:00:23] nfebreze: LUL
[4:00:23] ThatAsianJason: OMEGALUL
[4:00:23] Raddatone: OMEGLAUL
[4:00:23] subiwatson: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[4:00:23] nosferatujerry: OMEGALUL
[4:00:23] Noodles_l337: JERMA KILLS HASAN
[4:00:23] PS1APE: OMEGALUL
[4:00:24] AutisticBidan: OMEGALUL
[4:00:24] Not_Ruce: OMEGALUL
[4:00:24] pingupo: OMEGALUL
[4:00:24] ZENKENmaster: OMEGALUL
[4:00:24] drynoodlesss: OMEGALUL
[4:00:25] JandoDC: ahahahaha OMEGALUL
[4:00:25] bigprettygothgf: OMEGALUL OMEGALUL
[4:00:25] an_enemy_stand_user_: LUL
[4:00:25] freezerbride: OMEGALUL WHY
[4:00:25] ratwinerat: OMEGALUL
[4:00:25] Gundilf: OMEGALUL
[4:00:25] Poptart_jesus: LUL LUL
[4:00:26] soapscabs: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] tommyp915: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] SausageMcBurn: LUL
[4:00:26] frostiisatrap: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] Pizza_Wafffle: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] cobhopper: FRIENDLY FIRE
[4:00:26] PastaPirate2: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] Karmalsauce: LULW
[4:00:26] oofieyikes: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] Darky04: TEAM KILLED
[4:00:26] fishysamaaaa: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] DVD_J: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] Rellofello: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] ItsFalmer: OMEGALUL
[4:00:26] Dean223: CLIP IT
[4:00:27] Tech_King465: JERMA
[4:00:27] awesomebobblob: !drop
[4:00:27] Sc4mL1kely: HE KILLED
[4:00:27] Popthrop: OMEGALUL
[4:00:27] lingotan: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] ShapedBean: LUL
[4:00:28] tachankus: Azan is zonked
[4:00:28] TugsDug: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] lavenderalex: OMEGALYL
[4:00:28] stryzga: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] Ermac43: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] rassppyy: !drop
[4:00:28] minty321: LNAO
[4:00:28] mrbromangee: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] fuizon: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] Bad_Nutrition: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] QUCNTeh: LUL HASAN
[4:00:28] EternalWoe: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] WickedWastoid: OMEGALUL
[4:00:28] DankCoelacanth: OMEGALUL
[4:00:29] InfernalKiwi: OMEGALUL
[4:00:29] itzzamia: Jerma likes this game because thereโ€™s not as much smoke
[4:00:29] whatamidoing229: I love when games like this unite the most motley crews
[4:00:29] gnanon: OMEGALUL
[4:00:29] cryingpooper: Friendly FIRE
[4:00:29] ZeBraah: !drop
[4:00:29] imJoal: OMEGALUL
[4:00:29] sunstardroid: OMEGALUL HELP
[4:00:29] Mimi_Money: OMEGALUL
[4:00:29] marcus___king: OMEGALUL holy shit
[4:00:29] HereticSkeletor: LULW
[4:00:30] tylerakbar: jerma is :tf:
[4:00:30] jasperbeecrow: OMEGALUL
[4:00:30] xyhuara: LUL LUL LUL LUL
[4:00:30] Neanderlol: OMEGALUL what the FUCK hahahaha
[4:00:30] 1KingKhan: LULW
[4:00:30] twslug: R OMEGALUL LLED
[4:00:30] AppJack: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] centauri09: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] HungieGames: LMAOOO
[4:00:31] 8jaggery: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] Nightbot: @plaidypuspelt -> Chill out with the caps! (Max is 24) [warning]
[4:00:31] Slerme: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] roscoejenkins12: !drop
[4:00:31] gondirge: THROWED OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] gamesfan3000: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] vvenyx: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] Radical_Buddy: OMEGALUL
[4:00:31] mcsaggybreadstick: !claim
[4:00:31] partizanne: OMEGALUL ๓ €€
[4:00:32] coldestbeast: OMEGALUL WTF
[4:00:32] Roblino963: OMEGALUL
[4:00:32] ciderrss: holy shit
[4:00:32] cthulu_fearlock: LUL LUL
[4:00:32] spiraledants: OMEGALUL JERMA...
[4:00:32] frittlefritz: poggies
[4:00:32] craygxoza: !progress
[4:00:32] hushbrowns: OMEGALUL
[4:00:32] GoblinLachlan: TEAM KILL OMEGALUL
[4:00:32] n0sferatu___: SERIAL KILLER MINDSET
[4:00:33] remi_ih: OMEGALUL
[4:00:33] TheRexoures: OMEGALUL TEAM KILL
[4:00:33] gangalcohol: LUL LUL LUL LUL
[4:00:33] Tsumera2038: LUL LUL LUL
[4:00:33] waterbottle4598: !drop
[4:00:34] pogoonthegogo: OMEGALUL
[4:00:34] connercons: OMEGALUL
[4:00:34] StayClassyOrElse: JEX Moment
[4:00:34] scoopity69: OMEGALUL
[4:00:34] OvenHutTV: +2
[4:00:34] yuzuvoid: FRIENDLY FIRE
[4:00:35] milkeybreadbun: OMEGALUL
[4:00:35] 7hoovR: OMEGALUL
[4:00:35] Knorkrax: RIP
[4:00:36] glasscutlery: OMEGALUL
[4:00:36] angelicgrip: PHYSCO
[4:00:36] RockyMocha: OMEGALUL
[4:00:36] isJolTz: lmao
[4:00:37] tanitar44: OMEGALUL
[4:00:37] expnandbanana: LULW clip it and ship it
[4:00:37] jtfrost12: OMEGALOL
[4:00:37] Luke1805_: LUL LUL LUL LUL
[4:00:37] thegreatgodgwanda: OMEGALUL friendly fire
[4:00:37] KiiPP_: OMEGALUL
[4:00:38] Avivion: OMEGALUL
[4:00:38] wagyu_b: OMEGAUL UNREAL
[4:00:38] ToxicPizza05: OMEGALUL
[4:00:39] LogogoFromKeron: LUL
[4:00:39] chocoleaff: LOOOOOL
[4:00:39] huami1: OMEGALUL
[4:00:39] NickMadd16: OMEGALUL
[4:00:39] himelula: OMEGALUL
[4:00:39] Awamokotchi: LUL LUL
[4:00:39] jckrd7: OMEGALUL
[4:00:39] FalloutPro21: KEKW
[4:00:39] Travalore_: OMEGALUL
[4:00:40] Sir_Kingslayer: OMEGALUL
[4:00:40] maliousfreem: !watchtime
[4:00:40] starlapelle: OMEGALUL
[4:00:40] w33woo: OMEGALUL
[4:00:40] geckomuncher: LUL +2
[4:00:40] cravincheez: LUL LUL LUL
[4:00:40] quinn_stinks: OMEGALUL INVERSE FALL JOKE
[4:00:40] lyriccube23: OMEGALUL
[4:00:40] 92tyler: OMEGALUL
[4:00:41] KobayashiJames: S OMEGALUL BAD
[4:00:41] zeke0h: OMEGALUL
[4:00:41] Lettas_: OMEGALUL
[4:00:42] ninepppppp: OMEGALUL
[4:00:42] krythrex: TEAM KILL OMEGALUYL
[4:00:42] bethiebunnie: OMEGALUL
[4:00:43] JaxiiRuff: WHAT THE FUCK OMEGALUL
[4:00:43] truecloudy: !drop
[4:00:43] kxng_nitr0: !drops
[4:00:43] Rice_Auroni: OMEGALUL
[4:00:43] spiitz__: OMEGALUL
[4:00:43] Nightbot: Link your WB account to Twitch and watch 1 hour of MultiVersus to get Early Access: #ad
[4:00:43] ElkTheElk: OMEGALUL
[4:00:44] cowboitanaka: !drop