the Foot Clan strikes with success!

Twitch clip created by ArnarBjornss for channel Dexbonus while playing game Just Chatting on September 5, 2022, 9:33 am. This clips is a popular clip for Dexbonus.

Clipped by ArnarBjornss on September 5, 2022, 9:33 am

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[3:31:25] ArnarBjornss: it's a nice, I think it's called, pixie cut. doogNodders
[3:31:26] Dojumz: doogSmam
[3:31:27] onaga236: wait they get called "The Olds"? anneLol
[3:31:32] Tamburmajoren: doogSmam
[3:31:34] RyanV97: LMAO
[3:31:34] Dojumz: ahhahahaha
[3:31:36] Akabara86: lol
[3:31:37] Dojumz: yeeeeeessssssss
[3:31:38] Plasmafenix: OMEGALUL
[3:31:39] allierose19290: doogLaugh doogLaugh doogLaugh doogLaugh
[3:31:39] geriireg: HAHAHAHAAHA
[3:31:40] ArnarBjornss: doogLaugh
[3:31:41] pzn01: he found it!
[3:31:41] Amarienn: yessssssssssssssssss
[3:31:41] JovialAF: doogHi doogSmam
[3:31:42] BaosilisK: doogLaugh
[3:31:43] ashy_h: eyyyyyy!!!!
[3:31:44] Zelda_Ichihara: doogLaugh doogLaugh doogLaugh doogLaugh
[3:31:44] ObscurumPontifex: Finally
[3:31:44] Tamburmajoren: The goof! doogLaugh
[3:31:45] BaerBones: xD
[3:31:45] DavidMaresh: doogDab
[3:31:45] onyxvoid_: doogBurn doogBurn doogBurn
[3:31:45] UnboundSouls: oh he finally found it?
[3:31:46] SnowfallenCrow: FINALLY
[3:31:46] telosie: dad brought burger king home lfg sofiePog
[3:31:46] Pobb_: doogDab
[3:31:47] MightyDeekin: doogDab anneDab
[3:31:47] strawberryysoda: i thought sam was streaming :O
[3:31:48] FireStorm1922: doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING
[3:31:48] motor__ed: doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING
[3:31:49] Dojumz: Finally noticed stripLUL
[3:31:49] ArnarBjornss: the Foot Clan is successful! doogDab
[3:31:50] XyrhoAurelli: LUL
[3:31:51] ThunderGrub: 🩴
[3:31:51] Gkgamerfan: doogLaugh
[3:31:54] onyxvoid_: yeeeeee
[3:31:54] Amarienn: the fooooot
[3:31:54] Hellcat001: LUL
[3:31:55] geriireg: doogBurn doogBurn
[3:31:55] ShepardFree: LUL
[3:31:56] Visual: doogLaugh Finalluy
[3:31:56] Plasmafenix: Hahahha
[3:31:57] xoxonevernormalxoxo: doogDab doogDab doogDab doogDab doogDab doogDab
[3:31:57] JolleeyChloeB: doogBurn
[3:31:57] ethrad: # 15. Burger King Foot Lettuce.
[3:31:59] aegon403: stripLUL
[3:31:59] notLokey: got em boonGotem
[3:32:02] onyxvoid_: doogCLAPPING doogCLAPPING
[3:32:05] nemo3538: Headless Husband doogSmam
[3:32:05] MightyDeekin: doogLaugh
[3:32:06] Dojumz: doogCLAPPING
[3:32:07] xoxonevernormalxoxo: doogLaugh doogRainPog doogLaugh doogRainPog doogLaugh doogRainPog doogLaugh
[3:32:07] Mex_tf2: hahahaaha amazing
[3:32:08] Lepa93: LUL