
Twitch clip created by ひろろむーん for channel finalfantasyxiv while playing game Final Fantasy XIV Online on October 8, 2022, 9:11 am. This clips is a popular clip for finalfantasyxiv.

Clipped by ひろろむーん on October 8, 2022, 9:11 am

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[9:28:26] Sadanyan: 質問が草
[9:28:26] AruGin: i believe he said before that it's left to your imagination
[9:28:26] echeveria00: ヴィエラが凄く長くてエレゼンだけちょっと長生きくらいは出てるねえ
[9:28:28] bebop_alciel: Bunny girls live forever
[9:28:28] veriel_floris: キャラ見づらいのでライティングしてあげて欲しいなぁ
[9:28:40] Corruptangel920: Average was in EE1. But it can vary wildly
[9:28:47] まるこげ: 出しちゃったら何年前にも生きてたみたいなことになっちゃうしね
[9:28:54] hassakutatibana: もういっかい
[9:28:58] echeveria00: 在庫いるじゃん
[9:29:08] tororosobadai: 蒼天で天にとっでった竜騎士じいさんは・・・