voice actor andy

Twitch clip created by hell_wait for channel Jerma985 while playing game Gotham Knights on October 22, 2022, 10:06 pm. This clips is a popular clip for Jerma985.

Clipped by hell_wait on October 22, 2022, 10:06 pm

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[4:12:47] Cornjeebus: RIP Red Hood
[4:12:47] Linksy77: Sadge
[4:12:47] glowinthedarkstars: Sadge
[4:12:47] gutwad: rip Sadge
[4:12:47] bestfriendtito: Sadge
[4:12:48] adog2432: Sadge
[4:12:48] goretemple: Sadge
[4:12:48] invisibeble: red hood? monkaS
[4:12:48] nmdoop: Rip read hoot
[4:12:48] FrankieChatot: Sadge
[4:12:48] bratwurstgaminggg: waowe sick
[4:12:48] ExtremelySaltyBoi: Sadge
[4:12:48] presinaldtrunt: Sadge
[4:12:48] TransRightsGuy: Sadge
[4:12:48] OkayConstruct: they're immortal it's fine
[4:12:48] glasscutlery: Sadge
[4:12:48] Syntheticgrim: Sadge
[4:12:49] Sir_Joseph: Sadge
[4:12:49] bayleaf9: Cutscene model
[4:12:49] purrbot_: Sadge
[4:12:49] PelteVaffe: EPIC QUIP LUL
[4:12:50] Loomi1: CIVILIANS DEAD
[4:12:50] DoucheBagAdams: 4Head
[4:12:50] yukkkaah: that was so ocky
[4:12:50] willowompus: BatChest
[4:12:51] dimesfourcrimes: MARVEL LINE OMEGALUL
[4:12:51] b0ycub: sadge is OUR word.
[4:12:51] ScissorKick104: Sadge
[4:12:51] legendarydream_: Sadge
[4:12:51] jeffs_corner: Sadge
[4:12:51] b_sway16: "That's gonna leave a mark" "That was close" "Heh, that'll hurt in the morning" etc/
[4:12:51] unTamedFlame91: main character andy
[4:12:52] vampirobot69: @Jerma985 how much longer will you stand for this?
[4:12:52] leocreates: Sadge
[4:12:54] samnmaxfan: Sadge
[4:12:54] phiale: Sadge
[4:12:54] washtubss: LOL
[4:12:55] chiefbeef97: Sadge
[4:12:55] ohhohopilled: HE DIED
[4:12:56] chaosentity0: This is perfect for my Jerma x Nightwing fanfic
[4:12:56] veronicamouse: Sadge
[4:12:56] techn0pixie: he even sound like jerma
[4:12:57] silkes_: LuL
[4:12:57] starsandskeletons: +2
[4:12:57] Foton_TTV: +2
[4:12:57] TyomaDesu: -2 LuL
[4:12:57] Dragamation: -2
[4:12:58] maree_com: HDSJGHJADG
[4:12:58] braedye: +2 󠀀
[4:12:58] Salty_peanut: -2
[4:12:58] GeorgeMacaa: -2
[4:12:58] PlatyBumble: BatChest
[4:12:58] Fyren_fenix: Sadge
[4:12:58] WaffulMann: -2
[4:12:58] Absolucy: -2
[4:12:59] NotaBot68: SHUT UP
[4:12:59] eggsamillion: LUL
[4:12:59] cowboyelijah: OMEGALUL
[4:12:59] snow_barf: LUL +2
[4:12:59] itsAdu: +2
[4:12:59] Fidofidder: -2
[4:12:59] Neanderlol: +2
[4:13:00] Banananana__: -2
[4:13:00] pineyjoe242: -2
[4:13:00] AtomicJay42: Sadge
[4:13:00] HighMonkey_: :(
[4:13:00] seysmore: OMEGALUL
[4:13:00] liviapples: +2
[4:13:00] colpats: STOP
[4:13:00] freezerbride: OMEGALUL please
[4:13:00] Matt3z: OMEGALUL
[4:13:01] GreasyMicrophone: +2
[4:13:01] Skonk190: OMEGALUL
[4:13:01] dotquak: +2
[4:13:01] JadesphereM: +2
[4:13:01] gondirge: BatChest
[4:13:01] GagasHairyPoosee: HAHA
[4:13:01] gavinpikcom: +2
[4:13:02] kiokoii_: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:02] BurnerMan54: OMEGALUL -2
[4:13:02] vampiregroupie: +2
[4:13:02] kev__jumbo: -2 LUL
[4:13:03] olnoknees: +2
[4:13:03] triffintarte: OMEGALUL
[4:13:03] Cryonami: -2
[4:13:03] violentcreep: jermaChomp jermaChomp jermaChomp
[4:13:03] Basic_BS: OMEGALUL
[4:13:03] Commonlk: who's that funny character from attack on titan?
[4:13:03] WizardCritter: OMEGALUL
[4:13:03] killkill85: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:03] clumpy22: you sounded sickly
[4:13:03] tahu320: +2
[4:13:03] stilldecidings: +2
[4:13:04] MiseryJR: OMEGALUL
[4:13:04] Evan___M: runSadCat
[4:13:04] duoblu: -2
[4:13:04] kentrine: -2 OMEGALUL
[4:13:04] dosnetLIVE: ? OMEGALUL
[4:13:04] Loomi1: -2
[4:13:04] dirtuwu: more quips
[4:13:04] catpeeisaforceofnature: great Robin voice
[4:13:04] imJoal: OMEGALUL
[4:13:04] s2arah: -2
[4:13:04] penguinkirby: +2
[4:13:04] actonace: +2
[4:13:04] CryingSealdotjpeg: BatChest
[4:13:05] uhohhspaghettio: OMEGALUL
[4:13:05] uit_x: -2
[4:13:05] AhRi_0_o: MR SATAN
[4:13:05] mojitospring: BatChest
[4:13:05] kiwami2: anime boy jerma
[4:13:05] LorSnore: OMEGALUL
[4:13:05] gluebutt: I shoved gorilla glue in my ass
[4:13:05] jerry_seinfeels: -2
[4:13:05] AlienPlsEnjoyer: hasUnless
[4:13:05] Cornjeebus: it's night...
[4:13:05] Tobit0_: -2
[4:13:06] leperion12: MCU andy
[4:13:06] BeornDS: OMEGALUL
[4:13:06] Broomtee: -2
[4:13:06] gayestbaby: RUNNIN
[4:13:06] lucidpinkk: they’re on a date
[4:13:06] hell_wait: LUL
[4:13:06] glowinthedarkstars: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:06] mariya_tortilla: LOOOOOOLLL
[4:13:06] greyquark: OMEGALUL
[4:13:06] vvenyx: 🤓 haha
[4:13:06] llousyrep: oh my god
[4:13:06] luredtocare: -2
[4:13:06] Greed589: +2
[4:13:06] bayleaf9: EZ just run
[4:13:07] Faith_SC: BatChest !!!
[4:13:07] thisstreamisbad203: :)
[4:13:07] daroach_: -2
[4:13:07] LMGentle: no
[4:13:07] GoblinLachlan: -2
[4:13:07] the_brong_54: TALONS UHN
[4:13:07] jeffs_corner: +2
[4:13:07] FrankieChatot: + scorn
[4:13:07] fartpee: OMEGALUL
[4:13:07] rowan_berry_: roleplay andies
[4:13:08] tigerwithahorn: +2
[4:13:08] Vickycore: hey im back what the fuck is happening
[4:13:08] tacobellwlw: +2
[4:13:08] solidgreenday: OMEGALUL
[4:13:08] partizanne: this is so bda
[4:13:08] koiiifish: PLEASE STOP +2
[4:13:08] sawdustbunnies: OMEGALUL
[4:13:08] P3T3R_WAFFLES: -2
[4:13:08] googa_simulator: -2
[4:13:08] abhijaypaul: OMEGALUL
[4:13:09] sporkclay: +2
[4:13:09] g_xn: IM RUNNING HA HA
[4:13:09] staton05: JESUS
[4:13:09] zwoomf: LUL
[4:13:09] Linksy77: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:09] absterarts: OMEGALUL
[4:13:09] wiresdawson: LUL
[4:13:09] xbungchungx: -2
[4:13:09] VRJosh: OMEGALUL
[4:13:09] Bneboy0: OMEGALUL
[4:13:09] Ichika_Matsumoto: OMEGALUl
[4:13:09] gamergooch99: something in the way Sadge
[4:13:09] MenT_24: OMEGALUL
[4:13:09] JuiceConnoisseur: OMEGALUL
[4:13:09] crazyweemonkey: +3
[4:13:10] tomokoenthusiast: +2
[4:13:10] duckhawksoup: OMEGALUL
[4:13:10] 2wordname: hahahahaha
[4:13:10] confluencelad: OMEGALUL
[4:13:10] adog2432: OMEGALLU
[4:13:10] usernameisntimportant: LUL
[4:13:10] idiotbabYy: OMEGALUL
[4:13:10] poopfarrt: +2
[4:13:10] chikaberi: +2
[4:13:10] Musikyl: OMEGALUL DUDE
[4:13:10] mmmyumyborger: -2
[4:13:10] TOPHATKITTY909: :)
[4:13:10] kaupifalco: OMEGALUL
[4:13:10] rattlingb0nes: OMEGALUL
[4:13:11] YourDeadNeopet: OMEGALUL
[4:13:11] veronicamouse: OMEGALUL
[4:13:11] SamleyTimes: -2
[4:13:11] GrillMasterXBBQ: -4
[4:13:11] legendarydream_: OMEGALUL
[4:13:11] dinosaurshotgun: +2
[4:13:11] plebbchamp: OMEGALUL
[4:13:11] slybeverage: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:11] Frog__Man__: OMEGALUL
[4:13:11] Aibynn: >????
[4:13:11] horrormonitor: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] niIy: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] steveebuscemi: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] wasabi_luck: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] a_soup_eater: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] maddy600: 🤓
[4:13:12] Guy_fieri_chan: -2
[4:13:12] lintsock: -2 -2 -2
[4:13:12] Wesoley: +2
[4:13:12] agenttench: +2
[4:13:12] glittering_positive: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] oceanflames1: OMEGALUL
[4:13:12] candiedem7: OMEGALUL -2 I HATE THIS
[4:13:12] TransRightsGuy: LMAO
[4:13:12] SodaSneb: +2
[4:13:12] corveiss: OMEGALUL
[4:13:13] Rocklorito: OMEGALUL
[4:13:13] DemonDude45: LUL
[4:13:14] n1ghtfern: +2
[4:13:14] a1exmkc: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:14] gutwad: ;alkdjflj
[4:13:14] Tsumera2038: OMEGALUL
[4:13:14] aglqtypzvm: LMAOOOO
[4:13:14] theguhnslinger: +2
[4:13:14] prophetclouded: LMAO
[4:13:15] goomiworm: LUL
[4:13:15] purplstatic: OMGALUL +2
[4:13:15] Inara5: LULW
[4:13:15] ArtisticAxolotl: +2
[4:13:15] courtodraws: -2
[4:13:15] wynnterwolfe: OMEGALUL
[4:13:15] chainsawd0g: +2
[4:13:15] exbotmallow: +2
[4:13:15] jenkembnuuy: LMAOOO
[4:13:15] LandUnderWave: OMEGALUL
[4:13:15] pineyjoe242: OMEGALUL +2
[4:13:16] ScissorKick104: OMEGALUL
[4:13:16] GrumpClump: LUL
[4:13:16] a_random_word_1: ROBIN :)
[4:13:16] TungstenTee: +2
[4:13:16] saitokainn: OMEGALUL
[4:13:16] sashagreenspiderqueen: toy boat in Robin voice @Jerma985
[4:13:16] gumball12356: OMEGALUL
[4:13:16] TobyTobacco: wtf
[4:13:16] xfiishy: OMEGALUL
[4:13:16] bffinthediamondbusiness: MARVEL DIALOGUE
[4:13:16] Skittlesssour: +2
[4:13:16] invisibeble: JERMA STOP
[4:13:16] plasmacrown: +2
[4:13:16] crepusculette: +2
[4:13:16] glasscutlery: OMEGALUL
[4:13:17] bananasarentjuicy: OMEGALUL
[4:13:17] neopspsps: OMEGALUL
[4:13:17] l_zoe: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] kptkickass: LMAO
[4:13:18] Mr___Nibbles: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] drowsy_teddy: LMAOOOO
[4:13:18] blight_o: OMEGALUL gaslighting
[4:13:18] hitzeson: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] kiokoii_: STOP +2 OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] Arukad0u: +2
[4:13:18] ophidiagigi: DUDE
[4:13:18] urgr: LMFAO
[4:13:18] oniicharcoal: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] peachipearl: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] drogaesalada: +2
[4:13:18] nadia098: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] chickenntendies: OMEGALUL
[4:13:18] loymus: in game voice
[4:13:20] tarotoru: qanoOoaoaoaisjsn
[4:13:20] Matsu_idk: OMEGALUL
[4:13:20] Hymosa: OMEGALUL
[4:13:20] CansoFloaties: OMEGALUL
[4:13:20] bwophia: OMEGALUL
[4:13:21] Thepopo592: +2