A Michael Bay film.....

Twitch clip created by Gilkaroo for channel SodaKite while playing game Grand Theft Auto V on September 10, 2022, 12:21 pm. This clips is a popular clip for SodaKite.

Clipped by Gilkaroo on September 10, 2022, 12:21 pm

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[0:39:32] slimr11: ELLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE buddhaCheer buddhaCheer buddhaCheer buddhaCheer buddhaCheer buddhaCheer buddhaCheer
[0:39:33] oRubisco: FeelsStrongMan getting ice cream in the market 🍨
[0:39:35] Billy_NL: Good to see hop on GTA buddhaH
[0:39:39] WYF_NA: KEKW