broxah on the state of hecarim

Twitch clip created by skyyaogg for channel Broxah while playing game League of Legends on September 14, 2022, 8:15 am. This clips is a popular clip for Broxah.

Clipped by skyyaogg on September 14, 2022, 8:15 am

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[2:21:30] danbot77: why did they nerf chainsaw
[2:21:32] Silfel: But didn't expect that danHeh
[2:21:35] Manpeckz: The nastiest of AAs Kappa
[2:21:40] hellofris: Isn't Jankos the guy that inted in LEC Finals 2022 :)?
[2:21:42] Atroxos16: Broxahs Playlist hits different
[2:21:49] NoWay4u_Sir: Thats how i do the Double Pulls Pog
[2:21:52] xlessel: holy
[2:21:53] DarkhenXY: penta
[2:21:54] fedorentooo: Pog
[2:21:55] billblistedd: wtf
[2:21:56] peace131: LMFAO
[2:21:56] PsiloSem: WICKED
[2:21:56] xIceMythx: POG
[2:21:57] Silfel: PENTA Pog
[2:21:57] billcypher28: EZ
[2:21:57] MiniFlid: KEKW
[2:21:58] Andydrea: ??????????
[2:21:58] schnixxus: lmao
[2:21:58] michiel1988b: lol
[2:21:58] Keltai_: lmao
[2:21:58] schadman27: POG
[2:21:58] EnergyCC: PogU
[2:21:58] sidd989: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
[2:21:58] blackshielddk: omfg
[2:21:58] trueAyltonJykr: XDDD
[2:21:58] Reed1311: ?
[2:21:59] malinzoe: holy
[2:21:59] Wiadrrr0: yup
[2:21:59] riksjonet: lmaoo
[2:21:59] Koriathh: gg
[2:21:59] YellowFox87: lol wp
[2:21:59] Oxatron: WELL
[2:21:59] Yazzehh: ayyyyyyyyyy
[2:21:59] completeglobalsaturation: Balanced
[2:21:59] Firontz: bruh
[2:21:59] KnotlessKnot: LUL
[2:21:59] Nyubola: KEKW
[2:22:00] peet207: GG!
[2:22:00] pringles1234pro: lets gooo
[2:22:00] Rhinjob: Pog
[2:22:00] RetributionZero: LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
[2:22:00] Lxzzi: hahaha
[2:22:00] denbubanis: Looool
[2:22:00] wanderer_rs: Literal 1v5 penta
[2:22:00] Papagen0: GG
[2:22:00] makus01: ??????????????????????
[2:22:00] bgdnbo: lol
[2:22:00] Klapu: LUL
[2:22:00] AgedChops: Pog
[2:22:00] highest_impact: PENTASAAAAAAA
[2:22:00] townofbird: buffed heca everybody OMEGALUL
[2:22:01] MarvinPanVan: i was here Pog
[2:22:01] thewhitelotis: HI YOUTUBE!
[2:22:01] daA1mbot: hahahqahaha
[2:22:01] charmingsafe: LUL
[2:22:01] Koroshimashou: GG
[2:22:01] sleepyturtle369: Pog
[2:22:01] spiritx522: CLIP PLS :D
[2:22:02] Novaboltz: POGGERS
[2:22:02] highest_impact: iasojdiasojdas
[2:22:02] madstl1234: lets go !
[2:22:02] TomiNagasaky: broxahWOH broxahPOP broxahPOP
[2:22:02] Donutsyum: YO
[2:22:02] ArfyBarfy: Poggers
[2:22:02] blueginn: wow wp
[2:22:02] MilliardoPeacecraft: wow
[2:22:02] Novlol: broxahPOP broxahPOP broxahPOP broxahPOP
[2:22:02] nespinha: clip? anyone?
[2:22:03] Uluthrek713: POGGERS
[2:22:03] Grimcreeper2025: POG
[2:22:03] DelightfuIl: KEKW
[2:22:03] blackfeather241: LUL
[2:22:03] xlessel: penta !!!
[2:22:03] foresightprime: PENTA!!!!!
[2:22:03] Nathstar1: Pog
[2:22:03] Bronchioo: WHAT THE HELL
[2:22:03] niurempgc: POG
[2:22:03] IndeKappa: Pog AHHAHAHA RIOT
[2:22:04] ScottyVein: Wut
[2:22:04] Lambark: PogChamp
[2:22:04] TheShadowPoro: Pog ez game
[2:22:04] NoWay4u_Sir: Holy
[2:22:04] JoieRide: Pog
[2:22:04] PilzBart: GG
[2:22:04] CelticDawn: EZ
[2:22:05] AnUnworthyElevator: Pog THE PONY
[2:22:05] piperboi: WP MR BROXAH!
[2:22:05] Bananenheld2: cliP
[2:22:05] denbubanis: WP DUDE
[2:22:05] tsuneo1: Pog
[2:22:06] FallenLeafPrime: CLIP THAT CLIP THAT
[2:22:07] Doctorada: VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo
[2:22:07] flowersforher_: Pog
[2:22:07] Addleo: Pog
[2:22:07] q8_borashed: rofl
[2:22:08] Nikmoss03: Hahahaahahaha
[2:22:08] xAnimayxFreeekx: bro...
[2:22:09] PoptartGunman21: Penta!!!
[2:22:09] Wtfigot: Clap
[2:22:09] sidd989: CLIP THAT
[2:22:09] fotapatox: PENTAKILL!!!!
[2:22:09] k_9396: PENTAAaaaaaaa
[2:22:09] Atroxos16: HAHAHAHA
[2:22:09] Leonlemon15: 1v9
[2:22:09] schnuffel1338: ???
[2:22:10] glowyflapflaps: Pog
[2:22:11] Deadsuicidal: pog
[2:22:11] how2chat: PENTAGOD
[2:22:12] StJoshUK: broxahPOP
[2:22:12] ToggleShift: OMEGALUL
[2:22:12] OneTrickPwni: You new ONE TRICK?
[2:22:13] nespinha: CLIP??????!?!?!?!