On this page, you can find the analytic information related to the twitch games and streamers in 2019. The data here is a recap of 2019 and contains some very interesting and informative data. Please use the links below to check the desired statistic and recap of specific field. You can see detailed information about the streamers and games.

Some headlines from the recap;

Twitch had a great year in 2019 and continues with its growth. In 2019, on Average Twitch had 1,256,057 viewers which is a 17% increase from a previous year's 1,070,285 viewers and average channels of 49,438 compared to last year's 41,151 channels, a 20% increase. Highest concurrent viewers record for Twitch in 2019 was 3,492,264 viewers which happened on June 9 and is the second best after previous year's record of 4,015,590. This year Twitch broke its highest concurrent channels online record with 125,850 channels. ​

League of Legends was the highest watched game category in 2019 with 1,776,075 concurrent viewers on Nov 10th, which is a record for League of Legends and second best for Twitch overall. Fortnite was close second with 1,689,918 viewers on July 28th, which is also a record for Fornite. ​

The most watched channel/streamer was riotgames with 637,369 concurrent viewers which is pretty low as it is not even in top 5 of all time highest on Twitch. Eleaguetv not having a major had a huge effect for this year's highest concurrent viewership as they are the holder of the top 2 stop on Twitch. ​

This year's peak concurrent viewership for single streamers was lower than last year as expected. At the top We have squeezielive with 391,355 viewers, second is tfue with 323,574 and third is ninja with 316,658 viewers. Jokerdtv with 307,509 and asmongold with 285,991 viewers are also a good mentions. ​

We have seen over 889,432 active Streamers on Twitch in 2019. These Streamers streamed total of 29,360 different games. ​

​ Game of the year is a game We all know very well. The king is back, yes after losing the top spot to Fornite previous year, League of Legends is again the most watched game in 2019. League had 127,570 average viewers in 2019, which is an increase of 13% compared to previous year's 112,729 average viewers. After being at the top for just one year in 2018, Fornite dropped to second place and had 120,294 average viewers in 2019, which is a 23% drop from previous year of 155,347. ​

Third place belongs to the Just Chatting* as it has been since IRL was introduced. Just Chatting had 86,759 average viewers in 2019, which is a 40% increase from previous year of 61,759. ​

GTA V is forth on the list with 66,132 average viewers which is an increase of 293% compared to previous year's 16,834 average viewers. Thanks to RP having a huge comeback. ​

DOTA 2 had 57,504 average viewers, a 6% increase. CS:GO had 52,317 average viewers, a 14% increase and WOW had 48,182 average viewers a 62% increase thanks to the launch of Classic. ​

​ The game that lost the most viewers is the game that was at the top previous year. Yes, Fornite, the most successful game of 2018 has lost the most viewers this year. Fortnite had lost 35k average viewers and had 120,294 average viewers in 2019 compared to 155k in 2018. The game is still strong as it was the second most watched game on Twitch in 2019. ​

​ PUBG continues to lose blood. PUBG lost another 23k this year and had 28k average viewership, that was a 45% drop from last year. Another big drop happened to COD: 4 which drop to 10,746 average viewers from 32k that had previous year, a big 66% drop. Lastly, Hearthstone continues to lose blood just like the last 2 years and had 28,554 average viewers in 2019 which is a 30% drop from previous year's 41k average viewers. The game that had the biggest drop in viewership is RDR2 dropped from 19k to 2k in 2019, a 90% drop. ​

​ ​ Let's take a look at the streamers. ​

​Tfue is the best streamer in 2019. He pretty much had the top spot on everything, He had an average viewers of 45k and had 115,464,314 channel views and gained the most followers with 3,215,135 new followers in 2019. ​

​ We had some interesting stuff happened in 2019 as Ninja and Shroud, 2 biggest names on Twitch moved to Mixer. It seems like this did not effect Twitch much and in fact it seems like it has helped other streamers on Twitch, such as Tfue as Ninja was his biggest competition. Will we see more streamers make the move ? Time will tell. ​

​ Most popular tournament/company channels of 2018; fextralife (430 mil views), riotgames (140 mil views), esl_csgo(113 mil views), overwatchleague(107 mil views) ​

​ Most watched streamers in 2019, tfue (115 mil views), shroud (110 mil views), ninja (83 mil views), asmongold (66 mil views), xqcow (64 mil views), summit1g (63 mil views) ​

​ Streamers who gained the most followers in 2019; tfue (3.2 mil), rubius (2.1 mil), shroud (2 mil), ninja (1.9 mil), mongraal (1.4 mil), mrfreshasian (1.3 mil) and bugha (1.3 mil) ​

​ Newcomers of 2019; ​

Looks like bugha is the most successful newcomer of 2019. Not only he has had 32 million views in 2019, he also gained 1.3mil new followers. Second on the list is brookeab with 6.8 million channel views and 600k followers, followed by diegosaurs with 10 million views and 400k followers, jokerdtv with 6.1 million views and 140k followers. ​

​ ​ ​ Best streamers of 2019; ​

StreamerAverage Viewers
​ ​

​We also had new stats on twitchstats about clips. In 2019, xqcow was the channel with most clips created. Xqcow had 53k clips created, esl_csgo had 31k clips created, gaules had 28k clips created, summit1g had 24k clips created and overwatchleague had 24k clips created. ​

From the game categories, Just chatting had the most clip created with 1.5mil clips created. Second game is Fortnite with 1.3mil clips created and third is GTA V with 1.2mil clips created, forth is LoL with 870k clips created. ​

Twitch users who created the most clips are, cshighlights is at the top with 12k clips created, followed by jack_the_ripper with 10k clips created and piefiller with 6k clips created. ​

We also launched the first ever twitch clip search tool which had over a million searches performed with over 60k different keywords.

Games Recap

Followers Recap for Streamers

Viewers Recap for Streamers

New top Twitch partners in 2019