Most Popular Games

This is the main ranking tool for Most Popular Games on Twitch. It calculates the Average Viewers of a Twitch game and show on average how many people are watching it on Twitch at all times.

Most Popular Twitch Games by Average Viewers.

This list ranks all the Twitch games by their Average Viewers. Average Viewers is the most important metric to determine the popularity of a game on Twitch. Higher the Average Viewers, more popular a game is. Twitch directory sorts games by the live viewer count, since viewer numbers are the most important metric to show how succesful a game is on Twitch. Out of all the stats on Twitch, viewership is the most important one and out of all viewer related stats Average Viewership best indication to show most popular games.

Average Viewers numbers on this page is calculated using the aggregated live viewers number directly from Twitch. This way We create the best way to show the popularity ranking of the Twitch games. This ranking only includes active games to prevent any kind of misranking happening on the list. As our goal is to show the most accurate most popular twitch games list available. This list just like most of our list created and seperated by yearly data. Current list shows the statistical data for 2015. You can access the previous years or all time data from 2015 to 2024. Entering the list might be difficult for games that are released very late in a year as the algorithm might be too strict to allow them on the list just yet. This might cause some of the late releases not being able to make the list. However, this makes the list better as if a game was not out in the majority of the year should not be on this list.

As the list shows League of Legends is ranked 1 as the most popular twitch game of 2015 with 114,683 Average Viewers, followed by Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as the 2 most popular twitch game of 2015 with 73,607 Average Viewers. Next on the list is Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft which is ranked 3 on the list with 54,595 Average Viewers. The 4 one the list is Dota 2 with 47,988 Average Viewers as the most popular games watched on Another game that is 5 on the list of most popular games is Call of Duty: Black Ops III with 26,951 Average Viewers. The list also includes 7) Overwatch, 8) Destiny, 9) World of Warcraft, 10) Minecraft and 11) StarCraft II.