Twitch Affiliate and Partner Stats

Twitch affiliate and Partner ratio stats and charts

Total Streamers: 1,183,657

Total Partners: 51,958

Total Affiliates: 690,862

None Partners: 440,837

Twitch Affiliate and Partner stats ratio charts. These stats and charts show how many streamers/channels are Twitch Affiliate, how many streamers/channels are Twitch Partner and how many still has not earned any status yet. Twitch Affiliates program is the first step of becoming a Twitch partner. There are currently total of 1,183,657 total streamers and out of these 51,958 of them are partners and 690,862 are Affiliates... This means only 5% percentage of all streamers on Twitch are partners and about 59% percentage of all streamers are Twitch Affiliates. Only Active Channels are included...